gitarwmn has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Thank everyone! I got it working now. I learn just as much from the monks as I do from class.
I'm taking a class in perl and this is my first time working in detail with hashes. One of my assignments is to prompt the user for a word, and then output the Scrabble score for that word. I'm using grep to find the letter in the hash and then give me the output but it doesn't seem to be working. Any advise on this would be helpful.

Here is my code so far
my %pay = ( A => 1, F => 4, K => 5, P => 3, U => 1, Z => 10, B => 2, G => 2, L => 1, Q => 10, V => 4, C => 3, H => 4, M => 3, R => 1, W => 4, D => 2, I => 1, N => 1, S => 1, X => 8, E => 1, J => 8, O => 1, T => 1, Y => 4 ); my $word; my @word; my @result; print "Enter word to calculate.\n"; print "\nPress 'q' to quit\n"; while (){ print "\nWord?\n"; chomp ($word = <STDIN>); @word = split("", $word); # split up $word if ($word eq 'q'){ print "Quiting program"; last; } foreach my $w (@word){ @result = grep {defined $w} @pay{@word}; } for my $r (@result){ print "[$_]\n"; } }