in reply to IP addresses

Generally, to determine the list of IP addresses associated with a given network, you should consider using Net::Netmask:

use strict; use warnings; use Net::Netmask; my $spec = ...; my $block = Net::Netmask->new2($spec) or die "bad spec"; my $base = $block->base; my $bcast = $block->broadcast; my @ip = $block->enumerate; for (@ip) { next if @ip > 1 and $_ eq $base; next if @ip > 1 and $_ eq $bcast; ... }
See the perldoc for Net::Netmask to see how the network block may be specified. You'll find that it accepts the most intuitive methods.


-><- -><- -><- -><- -><-
All things are Perfect
    To every last Flaw
    And bound in accord
         With Eris's Law
 - HBT; The Book of Advice, 1:7