in reply to "cleaning out" object data

Ok now, after frodo72's comment, I can't resist and give you a code example:
use strict; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent = 1; my $o1 = gugus->new; my $o2 = $o1; print 'This is before Forsaken_cleaning: ', Dumper $o1, $o2; $o1 = $o1->Forsaken_clean; print "\n", 'This is after Forsaken_cleaning: ', Dumper $o1, $o2; my $o3 = gugus->new; my $o4 = $o3; print "\n", 'This is before rev_1318_cleaning: ', Dumper $o3, $o4; $o3 = $o3->rev_1318_clean; print "\n", 'This is after rev_1318_cleaning: ', Dumper $o3, $o4; package gugus; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { 'k1' => 4711 }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub Forsaken_clean{ my $self = shift; foreach (keys %$self) { delete $self->{$_}; } $self; } sub rev_1318_clean{ my $self = shift; %$self = (); } __RESULT__ This is before Forsaken_cleaning: $VAR1 = bless( { 'k1' => 4711 }, 'gugus' ); $VAR2 = $VAR1; This is after Forsaken_cleaning: $VAR1 = bless( {}, 'gugus' ); $VAR2 = $VAR1; This is before rev_1318_cleaning: $VAR1 = bless( { 'k1' => 4711 }, 'gugus' ); $VAR2 = $VAR1; This is after rev_1318_cleaning: $VAR1 = 0; $VAR2 = bless( {}, 'gugus' );
Unless someone comes up with a idea not mentioned here, OP's solution is the way to go (or if you like it sweetened BrowserUk's).
