There is one message in my inbox. I select the 'reply' radio button for it, fill in my reply text and hit 'Send'. Message is sent, page returns. I still have the message in front of me, and my reply text is still in the reply text box.

Normally at this point I would "'Move' (all but) selected to (deleted)", but I hit the 'reply' radio button again by mistake, and couldn't deselect.

So I didn't check '(all but)', and chose only "'Move' selected to (deleted)".

The selected message was deleted, but it also gave the warning message "Whoa Cowboy! You said that already. Don't 'reload'?".

This warning was inappropriate: the submit button for the form was "Move", not "Send". It might be a bug rather than just a nit if it would have sent my reply text but for the repeat.
