in reply to FTP multiple files

Hi DV, Try like this,

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Net::FTP; use Cwd; $|++; # Autoflush my $server = ""; my $username = "test"; my $pass = "test"; my $ftp; print "Connecting to $server.."; # Set up connection $ftp = Net::FTP->new( $server, Passive => 1, Debug => 0 ) or die $@; print "..authenticating.."; # Log in... $ftp->login( $username, $pass ) or die $ftp->message; print "..done!\n"; my @transferFileList = glob "*.log"; print $ftp->pwd (), "\n"; $ftp->cwd('somefolder') or die $ftp->message; print $ftp->pwd (), "\n"; $ftp->binary(); for (@transferFileList){ print "$_\n"; $ftp->put(cwd . "\\$_") or die $ftp->message; } print "Logging out.."; $ftp->quit or die $ftp->message; print "..done!\n";

1. The glob function will listout the files name only(without path).

2. No need to connect ftp for each and every file.

3. Always use pragma (strict and warnings).

Velusamy R.

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