monkfan has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have a following snippet:
use Proc::ProcessTable; my $now = time; print "NOW:", scalar(localtime $now),"\n"; $t = new Proc::ProcessTable; printf( $FORMAT, "START", "HOWLONG", "CMD" ); foreach $p ( @{ $t->table } ) { printf( $FORMAT, scalar( localtime( $p->start ) ), $p->time, ); } }
And it prints:
NOW :Fri Oct 26 17:37:58 2007
and in one of the entry it prints: prints:
START HOWLONG Fri Oct 26 03:23:00 2007 120000
I was wondering what does the figure 12000 mean? The doc doesn't seem to describe it tangibly:
time user + system time
Does that figure describe howlong a particular program is running? Is that in seconds?
