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User since: Dec 19, 2008 at 18:48 UTC (15 years ago)
Last here: Mar 28, 2024 at 00:36 UTC (4 weeks ago)
Experience: 727
Level:Pilgrim (8)
Writeups: 114
Location:Budapest, HU
LinkedIn:Henrik Pauli
User's localtime: Apr 24, 2024 at 05:37 CEST
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Long time Perl user, not so long time PerlMonks user, sort-of fresh commenter.

More detailed, I’m an ’82 edition whose first involvement in abusing Perl was during a high school afternoon class in ’99 or so, and the language remained interesting and a favourite ever since. My first professional use dates back to 2001, and after a few years’ gap in the middle of the 2000s, I’m back doing Perl, PostgreSQL and Gtk2 at a small company once responsible for the first Hungarian Linux distribution, UHU-Linux.

I loathe PHP and Java, find C++ an awkward mess, and wish we had a better alternative for C (while C, in and of itself, is not bad, just tries to be everything and nothing at the same time, and it’s ancient). I use JavaS‎crip‎t and I think Qooxdoo is a great framework. I used to code in Python (and once made a LiveJournal client called ljKlient for KDE3 — thank you, Python, for teaching me OO), and I can somewhat get around in Ruby and RoR.

I like seeing the world and photography, but I rarely have the chance to do it. I have yet to go to a YAPC, as costs tend to be disturbingly high for my Central European budget.

I like languages, but am not as enthusiastic about them and proficient in them as I’d like. I speak Hungarian, English, German and Dutch, the latter two nowhere as fluently as the first two. I have dabbled with, in order of appearance, Japanese, Finnish, Swedish, Thai and Chinese, but neither have had much success yet.

Some stuff: