in reply to What is the Perl Web Framework du jour?

Catalyst, Catalyst, Catalyst.

It would be a plus if the system would run (albeit slowly) under CGI as well, which would enable me to prototype it on my current host first without having to find a mod_perl server.

Even better it has several engines including one that runs as a persistent (test) server with immediate, automatic restarts on code changes. You could use it on some hosts but developing on a live server is usually a mistake. Just do it at home. It's faster, easier, and more fun. If you follow best practices with your Cat stuff it will also be easy to deploy anywhere else. Since RoR is gaining popularity, many more hosts support fcgi than used to. Cat apps run great on it. A small one might be bearable on CGI but you want fastcgi, mod_perl, or the test server (some folks are running it in personal production set-ups).

Cat is 4, maybe 5, years old, I think. I've been using it for most of that time. It's not trivial to learn how to use it but once you do, writing web apps with it can become so.