in reply to Find the text

You need to convert the date to something that can be compared. Epoch might be a good choice.
Dates are always a bit tricky to deal with (time zones, daylight saving, ...) but if you know your format you can use something like the following as a starting point

use strict; use warnings; use Time::Local; while (<DATA>) { if (/FIND/) { my $now = time; my ($month, $day, $year, $hours, $minutes, $seconds, $AMPM) = +split /\/| |:/; $hours += 12 if $AMPM eq 'PM'; my $time = timegm($seconds, $minutes, $hours, $day, $month-1, +$year-1900); print "within 30 mins" if $now - $time < 30*60; } } __DATA__ 7/21/2009 5:47:29 PM:> DATA 7/21/2009 5:48:49 PM:> DATA1 7/21/2009 5:49:20 PM:> FIND 7/28/2009 9:49:20 AM:> FIND 7/21/2009 5:50:39 PM:> DATA3 7/21/2009 5:51:29 PM:> DATA4 7/21/2009 5:52:59 PM:> DATA5 7/21/2009 5:53:19 PM:> DATA6
cheers, si_lence