in reply to RegEx Question - I want a line that contains this, but not this

johngg's previous answer works perfectly, I only would like to show you a more general technic to express "I want my regex to match this, but do not match that". The key is to use a positive and a negative look-ahead together:
#! /usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my $re_yummy = qr/^L[13]/; my $re_yucky = qr/TEXT/; while (<DATA>) { print if / \A (?= .* $re_yummy ) (?! .* $re_yucky ) /x; } __DATA__ L1 04:10:07.915 LOG: Want this Line1 L3 04:10:07.915 LOG: Want this Line2 L1 04:10:08.024 LOG: TEXT. Do not want this Line3 L3 06:37:58.163 LOG: TEXT. Do not want this Line4 L3 07:02:36.921 LOG: Want this Line5 L4 08:02:30.910 LOG: Do not want this Line6 L5 08:02:36.943 LOG: Do not want this Line7 L6 09:02:38.811 LOG: Do not want this Line8