ISAI student has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hello all. I can benchmark this, but I want to know if what I am doing makes sense. It pertains to the PERL 5.8.8 I have a module, and I have a foreach loop inside one of the modules which calls on sub isInst. So I run:
foreach my $var (@something) { $self->isInst($var) }
However, it could be faster (it is in Python) to do the following:
my $func_Ref=\&$self->isInst; foreach my $var (@something) { &$func_Ref($var) }
Same may be done for other references, which need be accessed via the scalar $self. From knowing the internals of the PERL 5.8.8 engine, should there be any difference? Are there any known reccomendations? I could not find any.