spstansbury has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Greetings Monks.

I'm hoping someone with more ActivePerl experience that I can shed some light on the behavior that I'm seeing.

I have a script ( below ) that copies some Nessus scans to another machine for further processing.

When I run the script via perl.exe ( >perl copy_files.wpl ) it runs perfectly.

When I run it via wperl.exe, either on the command line ( >wperl copy_files.wpl ) or via Windows Task Scheduler, it fails with the error: Unable to connect to remote host: Bad ssh command: Invalid argument at C:\Users\Administrator\RiskView\copy_files.wpl line 76.

I believe I have all the required tweaks for wperl - suppressing the window, redirecting STDERR and STDOUT to files, but as wperl.exe is supposed to be identical to perl.exe except for the need to launch a window, I'm at a loss to explain why it won't run the Net::SFTP::Foreign module without error.

As always, thanks for any input!

Best regards, Scott...


use strict; use warnings; use Date::Manip; use Archive::Zip; use Net::SFTP::Foreign; use Data::Dumper; BEGIN { Win32::SetChildShowWindow(0) if defined &Win32::SetChildShowWindow +; } my $producer = "file_copy"; my $output_log = $producer . "_output_log.log"; my $error_log = $producer . "_error_log.log"; my $copy_log = $producer . "_log.log"; unlink( $error_log ); unlink( $output_log ); close(STDOUT); open(STDOUT, ">>$output_log"); close(STDERR); open(STDERR, ">>$error_log" ); # Nessus directory my $nessus_dir = '/opt/sc4/orgs/1/VDB'; my $incoming_dir = 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Incoming'; # Data file directory my $data_dir = 'C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Data'; my $host = ''; my $user = 'user'; my $password = 'password'; # Check the copylog for the last set of files loaded my $last_loaded_date; open ( LOG_DATA, "<$copy_log"); while ( my $line = <LOG_DATA>) { chomp $line; next unless( $line =~ /Last Loaded/ ); my @last_loaded_time_line = split( /:/, $line ); $last_loaded_date = $last_loaded_time_line[1]; last; } close ( LOG_DATA); print "Getting files more recent than $last_loaded_date\n"; my $dm1 = new Date::Manip::Date; my $dm2 = $dm1->new_date; my $now_date = $dm1->new_date; my $time_stamp = time; my $err = $now_date->parse( "epoch $time_stamp" ); my $current_date = $now_date->printf( "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" ); $last_loaded_date =~ s/^\s+//; $last_loaded_date =~ s/\s+$//; $dm1->parse( $last_loaded_date ); my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new( $host, user => $user, password => +$password, ssh_cmd => 'plink' ); $sftp->error and die "Unable to connect to remote host: " . $sftp->err +or; # Get the files chdir $incoming_dir; my @ls1 = @{ $sftp->ls( $nessus_dir, names_only => 1, ordered => 1 ) } +; my $last_loaded; foreach my $dir_date ( @ls1 ) { next unless $dir_date =~ /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/; $dm2->parse( $dir_date ); if ( $dm1->cmp( $dm2 ) == -1 ) { $sftp->mget( "$nessus_dir/$dir_date/*" ) or +die "Unable to transfer files: " . $sftp->error; $last_loaded = $dir_date; print "Getting files from directory $dir_date\n"; } } undef $sftp; open( LOG,">../$copy_log ") or die $!; print LOG "Copied Nessus reports from SecurityCenter\n"; print LOG "Last copy run on: $current_date\n"; print LOG "Last Loaded (directory name): $last_loaded\n"; close( LOG );