Servus, fellow monks!
Perhaps, this is a computer science class question, I have to post it for my accomplishment. I have a web based application that I've wrote which allows the user to view an existing, initially empty tree and add nodes to it. The tree nodes are stored in a MySQL database. The program is reading them from the database, displays the tree, and add new nodes to it upon the user's request. Each node is identified by a unique node ID and have a parent P.

Now let's assume that this will be the start of a large scale application and it's intended to serve the basis for other tree-like implementations. What will be the approach for writing a re-usable code ? How the software architecture and design will be looking ?

I will provide below the UI and datbase sketches togheter with the source code with some explanations. Anyone can easily try it on a CGI enabled HTTPD and MySQL DB.

Tree Manager

Current Tree:
DepthTree Nodes
0[P: NONE ID: 1]
1[P: 1 ID: 2][P: 1 ID: 3]
2[P: 2 ID: 4] [P: 2 ID: 5][P: 3 ID: 6]
3[P: 5 ID: 7] [P: 5 ID: 8] [P: 5 ID: 9] [P: 5 ID: 10][P: 6 ID: 11]

Add Node To: PID box
Add button

Typing in parent node ID in “PID” box and clicking “Add” button should add a new node, to the node with that ID or produce an error message in case invalid node ID is entered.

The database contains a single table which for the above UI sketch looks like following:

where NID is the node's ID, PNID is it's parent node ID and DEPTH is the node's level in the tree.

Then, I have two CGI scripts, first - very small for creating the initial DB table:

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use DBI; use DBD::mysql; use CGI qw( :standard ); my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:btree", "root", "", { RaiseError => + 1 } ); my $string = "CREATE TABLE Nodes ( NID INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PNID INT NOT NULL, DEPTH INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(NID) )"; $dbh->do( $string ); $dbh->do( q{ INSERT INTO Nodes ( PNID, DEPTH ) VALUES ( 0, 0 ) } ); $dbh->disconnect(); print header(), start_html( "Database Creation" ); print h4( "The btree Database Tables Has Been Created" );

Here, database btree, table Nodes.

and the Tree Manager itself:
#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use DBI; use DBD::mysql; use CGI qw( :standard ); my $dbh = DBI->connect( "DBI:mysql:btree", "root", "", { RaiseError => + 1 } ); my ( $sth, $results, $err ); if ( param("Add") ) { my $pnid = param("PNID"); $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{ SELECT DEPTH FROM Nodes WHERE NID = ? + } ); $sth->execute($pnid); $results = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref(); warn( $DBI::errstr ) if ( $DBI::err ); if ( $sth->rows == 0 ) { $err = 1; } else { my $query = "INSERT INTO Nodes ( PNID, DEPTH ) VALUES ( " +. $pnid . ", " . ( $results->[0] + 1 ) . " )"; $dbh->do( $query ); } $sth->finish(); } #$sth = $dbh->prepare( q{ SELECT * FROM Nodes ORDER BY DEPTH ASC, PNID + ASC, NID ASC } ); $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{ SELECT DISTINCT( PNID ), DEPTH FROM Nodes ORD +ER BY DEPTH ASC } ); $sth->execute(); $results = $sth->fetchall_arrayref(); warn( $DBI::errstr ) if ( $DBI::err ); $sth->finish(); print header(), start_html( "Tree Manager" ); print h3( { -align => "center" }, "Tree Manager" ), hr(), table( { -border => 0, -width => "100%" }, Tr( th( { -align => + "left", -colspan => "2" }, "Current Tree:" ) ), Tr +( th( { -width => "5%" }, "Depth" ), th( "Tree Nodes" ) ) ); my ( $pnid, $content, $td, $depth, $tman ); for ( @$results ) { if ( $depth != $_->[1] ) { # here we change the tree level $tman .= Tr( td( { -align => "center", -width => "5%" }, $ +depth ), $td ); $td = ""; } $depth = $_->[1]; $sth = $dbh->prepare( q{ SELECT * FROM Nodes WHERE PNID = ? } +); $sth->execute($_->[0]); $pnid = $sth->fetchall_arrayref(); warn( $DBI::errstr ) if ( $DBI::err ); for ( @$pnid ) { $content .= " [P: $_->[1] ID: $_->[0]] "; } $td .= td( { -align => "center" }, $content ); $content = ""; } $dbh->disconnect(); $sth->finish(); $tman .= Tr( td( { -align => "center", -width => "5%" }, $depth ), $td + ); print table( { -border => 1, -width => "100%" }, $tman ); print h5("Check you enetered correctly the parrent node!") if $err; print start_form(), table( { -border => 0, -width => "100%" }, Tr( th( { -align => "le +ft", -width => "10%" }, "Add Node To:" ), td( textfield( -name => "PNID", -size => 10 ) ) ), Tr( td( submit( "Add" ) ), td() ) ), end_form(); print end_html();
Please note, how can one improve the SQL query for tree traversal ?

And, back to my request for comments... what will be the imrovements one can make in terms of scalabilty and code re-usage ?