in reply to sub argument passing? (TIMTOWTDI)

There is another approach to this problem: prototyping.

#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; #prototyped to explicitly state acceptable arguments sub addstuff($$$); my $D=4; my $E=3; my $F=2; #gives error if too few or too many arguments #(or arguements of wrong type) my $result = addstuff $D, $E, $F; print $result."\n"; #prototyped to match sub addstuff($$$){ my $A=shift; my $B=shift; my $C=shift; return $A+$B+$C; }

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Re^2: sub argument passing? (TIMTOWTDI)
by AnomalousMonk (Archbishop) on Sep 17, 2012 at 21:04 UTC

      Thanks AnomalousMonk, I am following your advice and already seeing some issues that I'll run into with using Perl's prototyping such as it is.

      'Enjoyable light reading' indeed, protist! Maybe just enjoyable ;)

      Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.

Re^2: sub argument passing? (TIMTOWTDI)
by temporal (Pilgrim) on Sep 17, 2012 at 14:58 UTC

    Cool, didn't know that Perl supported function prototyping. Looks a bit quicker and dirtier than using Params::Check - fewer filtering options, no default values, etc.

    I am gravitating towards creating a separate file which would contain all of my function prototypes and then I would require that in my module. My module has quite a few functions so this might be the easiest way to keep track of them all and have a single point of change rather than having to track down all that template-building legwork within the subroutines themselves that Params::Check requires.

    Not quite as legible, though. And to heed the docs warning, I could get into trouble writing prototypes for already written functions. So I'll have to do a little checking to make sure I'm not doing anything too silly with how arguments are being passed and unpacked.

    Anyway, thanks for pointing this out protist =)

    Strange things are afoot at the Circle-K.

        This should provide some enjoyable light reading. :P Thank you choroba.
      Cool, didn't know that Perl supported function prototyping.

      It doesn't. It's more like 'function argument context prototyping'. Please read the highly recommended Far More Than...

      You are welcome. :)