in reply to Re: set REMOTE_ADDR to sendmail?
in thread set REMOTE_ADDR to sendmail?

Alright. I noticed my last post didn't show (probably because I had a URL in it), but I figured it out. Manual Opt-ins get two iframes on the same page, each opting them in to my list and the ppl program (four actually - I also load the two landing pages so the information is set in their browser, then load the iframes). For my automated friends, before their account is created I put LWP::UserAgen and HTTP::Request to some good use and fetched the URL contents first. Looks like this
use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Request; my $ppd = 'script post url with all the variables'; my $aweber = 'script post url with all the variables'; &do_ppd; &do_aweber; &do_register; sub do_ppd { my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1,keep_alive => 1, timeou +t => 30); my $header = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $ppd); my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $ppd, $header); my $response = $agent->request($request); # Check response if ($response->is_success){ print "url:$url\nHeaders:\n"; print $response->headers_as_string; print "\nContent:\n"; print $response->as_string; }elsif ($response->is_error){ print "Error:$url\n"; print $response->error_as_HTML; } } sub do_aweber { my $agent = LWP::UserAgent->new(env_proxy => 1,keep_alive => 1, timeou +t => 30); my $header = HTTP::Request->new(GET => $aweber); my $request = HTTP::Request->new('GET', $aweber, $header); my $response = $agent->request($request); # Check response if ($response->is_success){ print "url:$url\nHeaders:\n"; print $response->headers_as_string; print "\nContent:\n"; print $response->as_string; }elsif ($response->is_error){ print "Error:$url\n"; print $response->error_as_HTML; } } sub do_register { #see if user exists #see if email is valid and doesn't already exist #mysql insert }
Firing order :) Thank you for your input on shortening the process. I really wanted to make the process to do all three steps with only filling out one from. Most people who go hunting for free stuff like marketing seldom actually complete any process. This way I get paid whether they do or not.