in reply to to find inter connected items

This is an interesting problem. choroba’s excellent solution can be simplified somewhat by using the Set::Scalar module:

#! perl use strict; use warnings; use Set::Scalar; my @a = (1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 8, 8); my @b = (3, 4, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10); my @sets; @a == @b or die "The arrays are of different lengths.\n"; for (0 .. $#a) { my ($ai, $bi, $found) = ($a[$_], $b[$_], 0); for (@sets) { if ($_->has($ai) || $_->has($bi)) { $found = 1; $_->insert($ai, $bi); last; } } push @sets, Set::Scalar->new($ai, $bi) unless $found; } OUTER: for my $i (reverse 1 .. $#sets) { for my $j (reverse 0 .. $i - 1) { unless ($sets[$i]->intersection($sets[$j])->is_empty()) { $sets[$j] = $sets[$j]->union($sets[$i]); splice(@sets, $i, 1); redo OUTER; } } } print "$_\n" for @sets;

Update: Added block labelled OUTER to merge sets having common elements.


14:35 >perl (1 2 3 4 5 6 7) (10 8 9) 14:36 >

Hope that helps,

Athanasius <°(((><contra mundum