Category: Miscellaneous
Author/Contact Info tadman
Description: A simple function to distribute many files across as many directories, using an RC5 hash.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

# hashed - Create a hashed directory path for a given filename
#          using an RC5-hash generated by the crypt() function.

sub hashed
        my ($name) = @_;

        # Send the input into the grinder until it comes out the
        # right size.  It shrinks blocks of up to 12 characters
        # into only two with each pass.

        while (length($name) > 4)
                my $crypt;

                foreach ($name =~ /.{1,12}/gs)
                        $crypt .= substr(crypt($_,'$1$ABCDEFGH'),12,2)

                $name = $crypt;

        # Fix unruly characters, as crypt will gleefully return
        # '/' in the hashed strings. These are converted to 'Z'
        $name =~ y!/!Z!;

        # Split the returned string into a full path, including
        # the specified filename.
        return join ('/', ($name =~ /../g), $_[0]);

print hashed ("thisimage.gif"),"\n";
print hashed ("thisimage.jpg"),"\n";
print hashed ("thisimage1.gif"),"\n";
print hashed ("thisimage2.gif"),"\n";