in reply to I SEEK THE WISDOM

Yes, people have benefited. You will not. You prefer to try to get people to do your work for you while refusing to actually learn Perl, and refusing to show us the courtesy of following posting guidelines. At the same time you post buggy code that shows no debugging effort, and that fails to take advantage of the simplest tools that Perl provides to encourage less bug-prone programming practices (use strict; use warnings;). And you follow it all up by hurling insults, calling people here morons, and posting arrogant nodes such as the one at the top of this thread.

So for you, no, this site will be of practically no benefit. You don't need PerlMonks; you do not have the social, and emotional skills to derive any benefit from PerlMonks. And you have not equipped yourself with the maturity necessary to learn this sort of topic in this type of setting. You would be better off not wasting your time here.

You do not "seek the wisdom", you seek someone to bail you out of the situation of failure you find yourself in at work now that you've discovered that in the real world there's nobody sitting next to you in the classroom whom you can badger into letting you cheat to pass the course.

When you're ready to turn that attitude of yours around, then come back and enjoy the benefits.

I looked at the code you're working on, and how it's failed to progress favorably despite the help people have tried to provide. Yes, your time is wasted here. Does that answer your question?

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