in reply to Interpolating variables in JSON string

The line

my $json = quotemeta( {"auth":{"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials":{"use +rname":$USERNAME, "apiKey":$API_KEY}}} );
makes no sense. The character : is only part of the Perl syntax in rather specific places, and this isn't one of them. I get a syntax error message for this line.

The Perl equivalent of a JSON map is called a hash. Traditionally we use => to separate keys from their values, not :.

my $json = quotemeta( {"auth" => {"RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials" => + {"username" => $USERNAME, "apiKey" => $API_KEY}}} );

But even that would make little sense. That line would make the data structure, return a reference to it, try to quotemeta that reference, and store that in $json. So $json would end up being something like "HASH\(0x33c218\)". You don't need quotemeta here — you only need quotemeta when you're about to use a string inside a regular expressions and you're afraid that your string might have regex meta characters while you actually want to match them literally. What you do need is a real JSON module, like the good monks before me already suggested.