in reply to Re^2: How to handle a browser window that opens up during the execution of some external program commands
in thread How to handle a browser window that opens up during the execution of some external program commands

I asked the OP to post the powershell code, and offered to help with it
  • Comment on Re^3: How to handle a browser window that opens up during the execution of some external program commands

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Re^4: How to handle a browser window that opens up during the execution of some external program commands
by tarunmudgal4u (Sexton) on Apr 02, 2013 at 11:48 UTC

    Hi guys, sorry for delay, please see below powershell code-

    # requires -version 2.0 [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windo +ws.Forms") # Directory where this script is located $CommonDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path # Dot-Source includes from our common library . $CommonDir\ConvertFrom-JSON.ps1 # Where to cache the access token $script:SepmDefaultConnectionFile = "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\SepmRmmWS_Cache +dToken.txt" Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 trap { "Error in Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken: $_"; break } if ($host.Runspace.ApartmentState -ne 'STA') { $msg = "Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken may only be run in Single Threade +d Appartment (STA) mode. For example, PowerShell ISE, or PowerShell.e +xe -STA." Write-Verbose $msg throw $msg } function ConvertFrom-Xml($XML) { foreach ($Object in @($XML.Objects.Object)) { $PSObject = New-Object PSObject foreach ($Property in @($Object.Property)) { $PSObject | Add-Member NoteProperty $Property.Name $Proper +ty.InnerText } $PSObject } } <# .Synopsis Read an access token from the cache file and decrypt it. .Description Read an access token from the cache file and decrypt it. The file is encrypted to limit access to the current user via Conver +tFrom-SecureString. .Parameter FileName Path to file where the connection data should be saved, default is $SepmDefaultConnectionFile. .Example # Write default connection data to default location $AccessTokenPSObject = Get-SepmWsConnectionFromCache #> function Get-SepmWsConnectionFromCache { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [string][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$FileName = $SepmDefaultConn +ectionFile ) Write-Verbose "Read access token from file $FileName" Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 trap { "Error in Get-SepmWsConnectionFromCache: $_"; break } $encryptedString = Get-Content $FileName $secureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $encryptedString [String]$xmlString = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStrin +gAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($secureSt +ring)); $xml = New-Object XML $xml.LoadXml($xmlString) return ConvertFrom-Xml($xml) } <# .Synopsis Save an access token in encrypted format to a cache file. .Description Save an access token in encrypted format to a cache file. The file is encrypted to limit access to the current user via Conver +tFrom-SecureString. .Parameter AccessToken Access token string. .Parameter FileName Path to file where the connection data should be saved, default is $SepmDefaultConnectionFile. .Example # Write default connection data to default location Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken.access_token | Write-SepmWsConnectionToCac +he #> function Write-SepmWsConnectionToCache { Param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$AccessTokenPSObject, [string][ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$FileName = $SepmDefaultConn +ectionFile ) Write-Verbose "Caching access token $($AccessTokenPSObject.access_ +token) as encrypted data to file $FileName" $xml = ConvertTo-Xml $AccessTokenPSObject $xmlString = $xml.OuterXml ConvertTo-SecureString -String $xmlString -AsPlainText -Force | Co +nvertFrom-SecureString | Set-Content $FileName } <# .Synopsis Add the access token to the webservice proxy objects URL property. Th +is will ensure that all reqeusts using the webservice proxy have the access token attached. .Description We alter the webservice proxy URL to append the access token for SOAP + authentication. However, this URL change perisists the next time you try to obtain th +e web service - even if you dispose of the web service. It will persist until you quit the process that created the webservic +e (e.g. PowerGUI Script Editor). This method insures that any old bearer_token parameters are removed +before adding the new bearer_token. #> function Set-AccessToken { Param([parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $Webservice, [string][parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $AccessToken) $accessTokenName = "access_token" $url = $Webservice.get_Url() $index = $url.IndexOf($accessTokenName) # If a previous access token is present remove it if ($index -gt 0) { # Strip bearer_token plus the ? that precedes it. $url = $url.SubString(0, $index - 1) } # Add the access token to the url $Webservice.set_Url($url + "?$accessTokenName=$AccessToken") return $Webservice } <# .Synopsis Prompt the user for credentials and then retrieve the AccessToken ob +ject. .Description Prompt the user for credentials and then retrieve the AccessToken ob +ject. This method will report an error if it is not run in STA mode, which means either PowerShell ISE or PowerShell.exe -STA. .Parameter HostName The hostname or IP of the SEPM server computer. .Parameter Port The port number of the SEPM tomcat server. This is not the web servi +ce port. This is the scm.server.port value found in the fil +e. .Parameter ClientId Normally an administrator will register a new client ID, store it in + HostParameters.ps1 and this value will be read from that file. .Example # Get the access token object after the user provides authenticatio +n credentials. $AccessTokenPSObject = Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken # Get the access token object after the user provides authenticatio +n credentials with verbose logging. $AccessTokenPSObject = Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken -Verbose #> function Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()]$configFile = "$($CommonDir)\..\Conf +ig.xml", [string]$HostName, [string]$Port, [string]$ClientId, [string]$ClientSecret ) # Read our config file [xml]$config = Get-Content $configFile # Validate our params if($HostName.trim() -eq "") {$HostName = $config.SepmWS.Hos +tName} if($Port.trim() -eq "") {$Port = $config.SepmWS.PortNo} if($ClientId.trim() -eq "") {$ClientId = $config.SepmWS.Cli +entId} if($ClientSecret.trim() -eq "") {$ClientSecret = $config.SepmWS +.ClientSecret} Write-Verbose "Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken -HostName $HostName -Port +$Port -ClientId $ClientId -ClientSecret $ClientSecret" $window = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form $window.AutoSize = $true $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser $browser.Width = "800" $browser.Height = "600" $window.Controls.Add($browser) $base="https://$($HostName):$($Port)" $responseType = "response_type=code" $ClientId = "&client_id=$($ClientId)" # redirect URI would normally be the RMM tool web app; # we just need to specify a page that doesn't require authenticati +on - our login page. $redirectUri = "&redirect_uri=https://$($HostName):$($Port)/sepm" $loginUri = $base + "/sepm/oauth/authorize?" + $responseType + $Cl +ientId + $redirectUri write-verbose "$loginUri" # PS one-liner that ignores certificate errors such as self-signed + certificates [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallb +ack ={$true} $browser.Navigate($loginUri) $browser.add_Navigated({ $auth_token_key = "code" Write-Verbose "Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken: Navigate event: Uri $ +($_.Url)" $oauthResult = $_.Url.Query $oauthResult = $oauthResult.TrimStart("?") $oauthResult = $oauthResult.Replace("&", "`n") $queryHashTable = ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData $oauthRes +ult if ($queryHashTable.ContainsKey($auth_token_key)) { $authToken = $queryHashTable[$auth_token_key]; Write-Verbose "Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken: Obtained $auth_to +ken_key which is used to get the OAuth access token" $window.Close() } else { Write-Verbose "Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken: Navigate event: c +ould not interpret Uri $($_.Url)" # error handling TBD } }) Write-Verbose "Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken: Displaying GUI to enter u +ser credentials and/or confirm access" [System.Windows.Forms.Application]::Run($window) $clientSecretParam = "&client_secret="+$ClientSecret $authKey= "&"+$auth_token_key+"="+$authToken $access_url = $base + "/sepm/oauth/token?grant_type=authorization_ +code" + $ClientId + $clientSecretParam + $redirectUri + $authKey Write-Verbose "Get-SepmRmmWsAccessToken: Use auth token key to +download access token @ $access_url" $wc = new-object net.WebClient $jsonData = $wc.downloadString($access_url) $AccessTokenPSObject = ConvertFrom-JSON -json $jsonData if ($AccessTokenPSObject.access_token) { Write-Host "OAuth 2.0 Access Token Information for $HostName" Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------- +-------------------" "token_type: $($AccessTokenPSObject.token_type)" | Write-Ho +st "access_token: $($AccessTokenPSObject.access_token)" | Write- +Host "refresh_token: $($AccessTokenPSObject.refresh_token)" | Write +-Host "expires_in: $($AccessTokenPSObject.expires_in) seconds, wh +ich equals {0:N2} hours" -f ($($AccessTokenPSObject.expires_in)/ (60 +* 60)) | Write-Host Write-Host "-------------------------------------------------- +-------------------" } return $AccessTokenPSObject }

    Check the above code and see how can I avoid this browser window and pass the credentials using command line

      Disclaimer: The below is PS advice, NOT Perl advice. I'd strongly recommend going to a PS forum for such help...

      OK. Your Powershell code can likely handle the authentication.

      Link: PowerShell Documentation for System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser

      Look here in your PS code:

      $browser = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser
      While I am no PS guru, I AM an automation guru :) your script is creating a PS object based on the System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser Class. Start there, and find out how to interact with the login elements on the page. You should be able to enter text into any user/passwd fields, and click a submit button, using the mentioned class and its relatives. This should be trivial considering you have already created the object you will likely need.

      That should eliminate the need to manually pause and type in credentials.


      Prompt the user for credentials and then retrieve the AccessToken obje +ct.

      Do you understand Powershell? Did you read what this code is doing? If you want to avoid this in powershell either ask elsewhere (i.e. not a perl forum), or alter the code provided to use an alternate method (if possible). Perl based methods have been suggested earlier, did you try them?

        Hi Marto, Some of the monks in this thread asked me to show the powershell code. I know it's not the powershell forum and I don't understand powershell as well.

        Let me try above modules suggested and then I'll get back with my observations.