in reply to log4Perl dynamic filename

For many projects, I like to define a simple functional logging configuration.
sub InitLogger { my $logfile = shift; my $logconf = q| log4perl.logger.[package_name] = INFO, Log +File log4perl.appender.LogFile = Log::Log4perl::Appende +r::File log4perl.appender.LogFile.filename = LOGFILE log4perl.appender.LOG.mode = append log4perl.appender.LogFile.layout = PatternLa +yout log4perl.appender.LogFile.layout.ConversionPattern = %d %5p> % +m%n |; $logconf =~ s/LOGFILE/$logfile/; Log::Log4perl->init( \$logconf ); return Log::Log4perl::get_logger("[package_name"); } # end InitLogger();
I set the log4perl.appender.LogFile.filename option to an arbitrary value 'LOGNAME' so that I can replace it in the string later. Not sure why but I've found this to be more stable than using variable substitution inside the config string itself.

If my projects grows to encompass several program files with almost identical log specs (except maybe for filename), I can pull the function into a library and share

use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics;