in reply to How can I transliterate between languages?

I didn't quite understand what you meant when you were talking about vowels, can vowels not be mapped directly using the dny = #225 style? anyways, here is some code which might do what you want, but depending on what you want to do with the vowels, it might not be exactly what you want.

%letters = ('dny' => '#225', 'kh' => '#35', 'k' => '#12', 'h' => '#10', 'a' => '#8', 't' => '#7', 'o' => '#6', 's' => '#5'); $string = 'khatos'; #if you ever want to match more than 3 characters #then change the 3 below to whatever number #you want. while($string =~ s/([a-zA-Z]{1,3})/&roman($1)/e) {} print "$string\n"; sub roman { my $letter = shift; my $remainder; while(length($letter) > 0) { if(exists($letters{$letter})) { return $letters{$letter}.$remainder; } $remainder = chop($letter).$remainder; } #if the character isn't found in %letters it #will return '#?', if you return an alphabetic #character which isn't in %letters then the #program will loop forever. return '#?'; }