in reply to quotes in Perl

The use of here documents is particularly useful ... because it allows you to keep the markup relatively free of escape characters that would otherwise reduce ... readability

(opinionated note on coding style, your preference may vary)

The HERE doc syntax was once a favorite here, but now it has been completely abandoned because:

Because of these issues, we made a stylistic decision not to use HERE doc syntax anymore, and instead use the very flexible quotelike operator with all variables 'concatenated in' instead.

Thus, your example would become:

use strict; my $foo = 123.45; my $bar = "Martha Stewedprune"; ### --------------------------- print q^ ===== This is an example of text taken literally except that variables are expanded where their variable names appear. foo: ^.$foo.q^ bar: ^.$bar.q^ (Our *uninterpolated* variable names are "$foo" and "$bar" ... and we didn't need escape chars to tell you that). ^; ### ---------------------------

All you have to worry about is to make sure your quotelike delim character (caret) is never used in the document. If it is, just change it to something else. Moreover, you can indent this however you want without external module dependencies. Here, we just use comments to make the document visually distinct from the rest of the script.

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Re^2: quotes in Perl (opinionated note on coding style)
by hv (Prior) on Feb 10, 2005 at 14:56 UTC

    Hmm, so instead of ensuring some variables are not interpolated by replacing "$foo" with "\$foo", you instead ensure the other variables are interpolated by replacing "$bar" with "^.$bar.q^".

    That doesn't seem like such a good trade to me.


      It can be a good trade if most of your variables are uninterpolated. In that case you want the unusual form to be the "marked" form, which helps prevent mistakes. That's the justification for Perl 6's version of the same trick, only it's spelled \qq[$bar] there.