in reply to Oracle BLOB Locator

$fil = ${ $hashref->{IMP_IMAGE} }; ######## ERROR OCCURS HERE

You already know where your error lies. What have you tried so far?
I bet your $fil will be uninitialized, therefore you can not bind your locator.
Why? You're trying to dereference a dereferenced hash value as a scalar value.

$fil = $hashref->{IMP_IMAGE};
$fil = ${$hashref}{IMP_IMAGE};

Turning on strict would have told you.

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Re^2: Oracle BLOB Locator
by Lhamo Latso (Scribe) on Aug 20, 2005 at 17:51 UTC
    The first error listed occurs on the subsequent sth2.bind_param with:
    $fil = $hashref->{IMP_IMAGE};
    and the second error occurs on the sth2.execute with:
    $fil = ${ $hashref->{IMP_IMAGE} };
    I think the second one in more correct, being that I actually could do the bind. The PLS-00306 error occurs on the sth2.execute statement, during the call to dbms_lob.filegetname. The first passed arguement is the lob locator, of which DBD::Oracle provides 2 ora_types: ora_clob and ora_blob. My lob locator is BFILE. I worked later last night and found that the Oracle column IDs CLOB, BLOB and BFILE are 112, 113 and 114. That makes the error message accurate in that I gave the wrong type.

    I tried just passing an integer 114, but the DBD or DBI interface complained and replaced it with SQLVARCHAR.

    I just checked the code. I had "use strict;" on.

    Thanks for the help.