in reply to Random numbers generator

I believe that, for diffrent results on diffrent machine, you can base your random generation upon a timer..
do depending on the time of your server the random number is generated.
The timer is the same once each day.. :)
I've done this a lot in VB dunno how in Perl..
# VB Code in here RANDOMIZE(Timer) N = INT(RND * 10)
I will be flamed.. :)

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Re(2): Random numbers generator
by yakko (Friar) on Feb 07, 2001 at 21:21 UTC
    Have a look at srand and rand. That block translates pretty well into perl:
    srand; my $n=int(rand(10)); # gets you a number 0..9

    Me spell chucker work grate. Need grandma chicken.

      srand is only required if your script is running on a version of Perl earlier than 5.004.


      "Perl makes the fun jobs fun
      and the boring jobs bearable" - me

        Yes. There is an excellent explanation of Perl's random seed here. (for 5.004 and up)