in reply to Parsing HTML

I would use XPath or CSS expressions, and look at HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath to run the expressions against the HTML. Or rather, I would use App::scrape, which puts that approach into a module, or Web::Scraper and Web::Magic.

With XPath expressions, you can specify the elements you want like paths to files in a directory. In your case, it looks like the following XPath expressions would work:

# Each voyage //p[@class="itinerari-info"] # Itinerary within a voyage ./span[1] # Departure date ./span[2] # Ship ./span[3] ...

Depending on whether your target page only lists one such itinerary, you can roll the XPath expressions into one expression, instead of using them relative to the voyage nodes:

# Itinerary //p[@class="itinerari-info"]/span[1] ...

You can test out these queries in Firebug (I think), or with scrape-ff tool in WWW::Mechanize::Firefox, or with the scrape tool in App::scrape. Likely, Mojolicious and the modules mentioned before also contain tools for easy command line testing of XPath expressions against URLs.