in reply to extracting data

Do you really need to use split? Why not match exactly what you want in the main loop?

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; while (<DATA>) { # should you need it, the value is in $2, undef if not present say $1 if m{^ \s* \#define \s+ (\S+) (?:\s+ (0|1))? \s* $}x; } __DATA__ #define thread 1 #define flag #define code 0 #define const (100/5) #define flag_condn 1

A couple of notes: if you are using an ancient (pre 5.10) perl, then don't use use feature 'say'; and say, instead use print $1, "\n";. The /x modifier allows nicer formating for the regexp: whitespace is ignored, comments are allowed (hence the \# here, since it's not a comment) and the regexp can be spread over several lines.