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!1's scratchpad

by !1 (Hermit)
on Jun 04, 2004 at 23:22 UTC ( [id://361260]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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  1. or download this
    #!/usr/bin/perl -l
  2. or download this
    #!/usr/bin/perl -l
    Can't locate object method "out" via package "Tom" at line
    + 17.
  3. or download this
    perl -le'print 2**38'
  4. or download this
    perl -le'$_="@ARGV";tr/a-z/c-zab/;print' "text"
  5. or download this
    perl -pe's/[\W_]//g' file
  6. or download this
    perl -ne'print $1 while /(?<![A-Z])[A-Z]{3}([a-z])[A-Z]{3}(?![A-Z])/g'
    + file
  7. or download this
    #!/usr/bin/perl -wl
       ($_)= /(\d+)$/g
  8. or download this
    import pickle
    print pickle.load(open('banner.p','r'))
  9. or download this
    python | perl -e'$_=eval <STDIN>;for (@$_) { while(($a,$b
    )=splice(@$_,0,2)) {print $a x $b}print $/}'
  10. or download this
    #!/usr/bin/perl -wl
    print $comment
  11. or download this
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    print $/;
  12. or download this
    perl -le'print map chr, @ARGV' numbers
  13. or download this
    binmode $x;
    print $x $i->jpeg();
    close $x;
  14. or download this
    perl -le'$_=1; s/((.)\2*)/length($1).$2/ge while $a++ < 30; print leng
    +th $_'
  15. or download this
    binmode $x;
    print $x $i->jpeg();
    close $x;
  16. or download this
    perl -ne'BEGIN{undef$/;$a=shift;@ARGV=q[evil2.gfx];binmode(STDOUT)}for
    +(;defined($x=substr($_,$a,1));$a+=5){print$x}' number > out.type
  17. or download this
    perl -MRPC::XML::Client -le'print RPC::XML::Client->new(q[http://www.p])->send_request(qw[phone Bert])->
  18. or download this
    binmode $w;
    print $w $n->jpeg(100);
    close $w;
  19. or download this
    perl -MDateTime -le'print for grep { $a=DateTime->new(year=>$_,month=>
    +1,day=>26);$a->day_of_week == 1 and $a->is_leap_year } map { sprintf 
    +q[1%02d6], reverse 0..99 }'
  20. or download this
  21. or download this
    Table Items:
    itemid | name
    Foreign key itemid -> Items.itemid
  22. or download this
    my $iter = ( 
      + DBSchema::Items->where(name => [ qw(Teddies Trampolines) ]
  23. or download this
    SELECT ShoppingCart.name_on_cart from ShoppingCart where ShoppingCart.
    +cartid IN (SELECT ShoppingCartItems.cartid from ShoppingCartItems inn
    +er join Items on ShoppingCartItems.itemid = Items.itemid where Items.
    +name in ('Teddies','Trampolines'))
  24. or download this
    my $iter =  ( 
      + DBSchema::Items->where(name => "Trampolines") 
      - DBSchema::Items->where(name => ["!=", [ qw(Teddies Trampolines) ] 
    +] )
  25. or download this
    SELECT ShoppingCart.name_on_cart from ShoppingCart where ShoppingCart.
    +cartid IN (SELECT ShoppingCartItems.cartid from ShoppingCartItems inn
    +er join Items on ShoppingCartItems.itemid=Items.itemid where
    +me = 'Teddies') AND ShoppingCart.cartid IN (SELECT ShoppingCartItems.
    +cartid from ShoppingCartItems inner join Items on ShoppingCartItems.i
    +temid=Items.itemid where = 'Trampolines') AND ShoppingCart
    +.cartid NOT IN (SELECT ShoppingCartItems.cartid from ShoppingCartItem
    +s inner join Items on ShoppingCartItems.itemid=Items.itemid where Ite NOT IN ('Teddies','Trampolines'))
  26. or download this
    SELECT DISTINCT ShoppingCartItems.cartid from ShoppingCartItems inner 
    +join Items on ShoppingCartItems.itemid=Items.itemid where
    - collects results, calculates the intersection from first two and the
    +n the difference of the intersection and the third query -
    SELECT ShoppingCart.name_on_cart from ShoppingCart where ShoppingCart.
  27. or download this
    package Attribute::Scary;
  28. or download this
    #!/usr/bin/perl -l
        FLAGS = 0x0
        PADLIST = 0x816724c
        OUTSIDE = 0x811b2ac (MAIN)
  29. or download this
    sub randChar {
        my ($chars,$len,$inc,$exl) = split /-/, shift;
        my @map = keys %map or return;
        join "",map $map[rand @map],1..$len
  30. or download this
    use Scalar::Util "weaken";
    use vars qw(%STORE);
  31. or download this
    my $var = 1;
    $_string = $var;
    $var = 2;
    print $_string; # prints 2
  32. or download this
    package MatchVars;
    print "3: $_prematch | $_match | $_postmatch" if $var3 =~ /=\w+=/;
    # this | =shows= | up

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