in reply to just wanted to show what I managed to write with your help

Do you use version control? If not, you may consider putting the code on Github (or similar site like Bitbucket or Google code). That way, it is easier for others to view the code (or even contribute to it).
  • Comment on Re: just wanted to show what I managed to write with your help

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Re^2: just wanted to show what I managed to write with your help
by perltux (Monk) on Nov 12, 2012 at 13:07 UTC
    I might start using github or something like that once the code is a bit more mature. Right now I'm working so much on it still that the overhead of using a version control system would be a hindrance for me especially since I have no experience with them (other than some experience with cvs 10-15 years ago and I hated it! ;) ) so I would first have to learn how to use git.

    That said if you are offering to collaborate on the code, then let me know, I'm sure we can work something out! :)
      Believe me, the overhead of using a version control system is negligible compared to the overhead of not using it.
      لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ
        I'm sure you are right, but the overhead of first learning how to use it is not negligible! :)

        Seriously I certainly see the point in using one once more than one person works on the code, but right now it's only me.

        Again if anyone wants to collaborate, just let me know and I'll start learning how to use git and github.

      Your thinking is exactly backwards! Revision control systems are to help you and to save you arse when you do something dumb (and believe me, we all do dumb things). At the very least set up a git (or Mercurial) repository for each project you are working on right now. You don't need to share the repo now, or ever, but you get no benefit at all from it at the end of the project!

      You may find Mercurial easier to get your head around than git, especially if you can use TortoiseHg (Wikipedia article). Modern systems like git and Mercurial take a snapshot of the current state of your project and deal with your entire project as an entity. CVS was a file at a time system and made a lot of stuff hard to do and difficult to understand.

      True laziness is hard work
      How much overhead is it if you accidentally delete working code? Or if you change previously-working code and then you don't discover it for days and now you can't go back and figure out what your change was that broke it, and for that matter, you don't even know what your last working code looked like?


Re^2: just wanted to show what I managed to write with your help
by perltux (Monk) on Nov 28, 2012 at 02:07 UTC