use strict; use warnings; use File::BOM; use Win32::IE::Mechanize; use Time::HiRes qw( usleep gettimeofday tv_interval stat ); use utf8; # create Win32::IE::Mechanize object my $mech = Win32::IE::Mechanize->new(visible => 1); # open the URL $mech->get(''); sleep (10); # get the DOM document my $doc = $mech->{agent}->Document; # get the webpage title my $title = $doc->title; # create a utf-8 text file open DEBUGFILE, ">:via(File::BOM):encoding(UTF-8)", "debug.txt" or die $!; # write the title to file print DEBUGFILE "Title:" . $title . "\n"; # write the title length to the file print DEBUGFILE "Title Length:" . length ($title) . "\n"; # write the hex byte string of the title to the file print DEBUGFILE "Title Hex Byte String:" . unpack("H48", $title) . "\n";