my $database = 'co_sysdev'; my $server = ''; my $user = 'web'; my $passwd = '3br!'; my $row = ""; #### my $homologs = DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:database=co_sysdev;host=devqa_dbm.corp;port=3310",'username','password'); #### #my $query_params = "select * from system_params"; # render the result in a graph format # save it locally in a csv format, to be used later for report my $query_coding_event = "select * from coding_event"; my $query_params = "select * from co_event"; #my $query = "select * from n_batch where status = 'started'"; #my $query = "select * from n_batch"; #my $query = "select id,customer_id,location_id,submitter,n_notes,hand +le from submission_batch where id is not null"; #my $query = "select id,customer_id,location_id,submitter,n_notes,hand +le from submission_batch where id is not null"; #my $query = "describe submission_batch"; #my $query = "show tables"; my $sql_params = $homologs->prepare($query_params); #### my $query_coding_event = "select * from coding_event"; my $query_params = "select * from co_event"; my $sql_params = $homologs->prepare($query_params); #### while (my $row = $sql_params->fetchrow_arrayref) { #print join("\t", @$row), "\n"; print join(@$row), "\n"; print @$row . " \n"; } #### $ perl -e 'print join(qw/a b c d e f/),"\n"' bacadaeaf