C:\test>\perl32\bin\perl -wnle"print $]; split; print join '|', @_" Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at -e line 1. evry good boy deserves food 5.008009 evry|good|boy|deserves|food C:\test>\perl64\bin\perl -wnle"print $]; split; print join '|', @_" Use of implicit split to @_ is deprecated at -e line 1. the quick brown foox 5.010001 the|quick|brown|foox Terminating on signal SIGINT(2) Terminating on signal SIGINT(2) C:\test>perl -wnle"print $]; split; print join '|', @_" Useless use of split in void context at -e line 1. evry good boy deserves food 5.016001