#!/usr/bin/perl #Import the package use strict; use File::Slurp; use Win32::EventLog; use Net::SNMP qw(:ALL); use threads; #my @jobs=(); #Global Variable Section my $path = "C:\\log_parsing"; my $eventSource1 = "Application"; my $eventSource2 = "System"; my $config_file1 = $path."\\app_config.txt"; my $config_file2 = $path."\\sys_config.txt"; my $outputfile1 = $path."\\app_output.txt"; my $outputfile2 = $path."\\sys_output.txt"; my $outputfile3 = $path."\\event_output.txt"; my @app_common_regex=(); my @app_iis_regex=(); my @app_powerpath_regex=(); my @sys_common_regex=(); my @sys_iss_regex=(); my @sys_powerpath_regex=(); my ($sys_string_common,$sys_string_iis,$sys_string_powerpath); my ($sys_num_common,$sys_num_iis,$sys_num_powerpath); my ($app_string_common,$app_string_iis,$app_string_powerpath); my ($app_num_common,$app_num_iis,$app_num_powerpath); my @app_config = read_file($config_file1) or die "Config file for $config_file1 is missing or could not read - $!"; my @sys_config = read_file($config_file2) or die "Config file for $config_file2 is missing or could not read - $!"; #------Get App regex-------# foreach my $app_regex(@app_config) { my @fields = split "," , $app_regex; push(@app_common_regex,$fields[0]) if ($app_regex =~ m/Common/i); push(@app_iis_regex,$fields[0]) if ($app_regex =~ m/IIS/i); push(@app_powerpath_regex,$fields[0]) if ($app_regex =~ m/Powerpath/i); } #-----Split Array based on Application for Application event Log-----# my @app_string_common_regex = (); my @app_num_common_regex = (); my @app_string_iis_regex = (); my @app_num_iis_regex = (); my @app_string_powerpath_regex = (); my @app_num_powerpath_regex = (); foreach(@app_common_regex) { push(@app_string_common_regex,$_) if ($_ !~ /^\d+/); push(@app_num_common_regex,$_) if ($_ =~ /^\d+/); } foreach(@app_iis_regex) { push(@app_string_iis_regex,$_) if ($_ !~ /^\d+/); push(@app_num_iis_regex,$_) if ($_ =~ /^\d+/); } foreach(@app_powerpath_regex) { push(@app_string_powerpath_regex,$_) if ($_ !~ /^\d+/); push(@app_num_powerpath_regex,$_) if ($_ =~ /^\d+/); } my $app_string_common = join("|", @app_string_common_regex); my $app_num_common = join("|", @app_num_common_regex); my $app_string_iis = join("|", @app_string_iis_regex); my $app_num_iis = join("|", @app_num_iis_regex); my $app_string_powerpath = join("|", @app_string_powerpath_regex); my $app_num_powerpath = join("|", @app_num_powerpath_regex); #------Get Sys regex-------# foreach my $sys_regex(@sys_config) { my @fields = split "," , $sys_regex; push(@sys_common_regex,$fields[0]) if ($sys_regex =~ m/Common/i); push(@sys_iss_regex,$fields[0]) if ($sys_regex =~ m/IIS/i); push(@sys_powerpath_regex,$fields[0]) if ($sys_regex =~ m/Powerpath/i); } #-----Split Array based on Application for System event Log-----# my @sys_string_common_regex = (); my @sys_num_common_regex = (); my @sys_string_iis_regex = (); my @sys_num_iis_regex = (); my @sys_string_powerpath_regex = (); my @sys_num_powerpath_regex = (); foreach(@sys_common_regex) { push(@sys_string_common_regex,$_) if ($_ !~ /^\d+/); push(@sys_num_common_regex,$_) if ($_ =~ /^\d+/); } foreach(@sys_iss_regex) { push(@sys_string_iis_regex,$_) if ($_ !~ /^\d+/); push(@sys_num_iis_regex,$_) if ($_ =~ /^\d+/); } foreach(@sys_powerpath_regex) { push(@sys_string_powerpath_regex,$_) if ($_ !~ /^\d+/); push(@sys_num_powerpath_regex,$_) if ($_ =~ /^\d+/); } my $sys_string_common = join("|", @sys_string_common_regex); my $sys_num_common = join("|", @sys_num_common_regex); my $sys_string_iis = join("|", @sys_string_iis_regex); my $sys_num_iis = join("|", @sys_num_iis_regex); my $sys_string_powerpath = join("|", @sys_string_powerpath_regex); my $sys_num_powerpath = join("|", @sys_num_powerpath_regex); print "System_Common = $sys_string_common\n"; print "System Common num = $sys_num_common\n"; print "Application Common = $app_string_common\n"; print "Application Common = $app_num_common\n"; #Create threads to run the Subroutines parallely my $thr1 = threads->create(\&parseAppEventLog, "Application"); my $thr2 = threads->create(\&parseSysEventLog, "System"); #Join the threads to execute the Subroutines $thr1->join(); $thr2->join(); #<-------Funtion to getLineno AppEvent -----># sub getLinenoApp() { my $start_line_num; my $handle; my $end_line_num; my $recs; my $lines; my $filename = $path."\\app_pos.txt"; unless (-e $filename) #Check for the existence of last Line num file { open (LAST_LINE_NUM,">$filename") or die ("Cannot create file"); $handle=Win32::EventLog->new($eventSource1, '') or die "Can't open Application EventLog on myhost\n"; $handle->GetNumber($recs); $lines += $recs; $handle->Close; print LAST_LINE_NUM $lines; return $lines; close (LAST_LINE_NUM); } else { open (LAST_LINE_NUM,"$filename") or die "Cannot open file"; foreach my $start_num () { $start_line_num=$start_num; } open (WRITE_END_LINE_NUM,">$filename") or die ("Cannot write end line no"); $handle=Win32::EventLog->new($eventSource1, '') or die "Can't open Application EventLog on myhost\n"; $handle->GetNumber($recs); #$handle->GetOldest($base); $end_line_num += $recs; $handle->Close; print WRITE_END_LINE_NUM $end_line_num; if ($start_line_num == $end_line_num) { return 0; } elsif ($end_line_num < $start_line_num) { print "Windows Application Event Log - Event Log has been Truncated or Cleared"; return $end_line_num; } else { my $lineno = $end_line_num - $start_line_num; return $lineno; } close (LAST_LINE_NUM); close (WRITE_END_LINE_NUM); } } #<-------Funtion to getLineno SysEvent -----># sub getLinenoSys() { my $start_line_num; my $handle; my $end_line_num; my $recs; my $lines; my $filename = $path."\\sys_pos.txt";; unless (-e $filename) #Check for the existence of last Line num file { open (LAST_LINE_NUM,">$filename") or die ("Cannot create file"); $handle=Win32::EventLog->new($eventSource2, '') or die "Can't open System EventLog on myhost\n"; $handle->GetNumber($recs); $lines += $recs; $handle->Close; print LAST_LINE_NUM $lines; return $lines; close (LAST_LINE_NUM); } else { open (LAST_LINE_NUM,"$filename") or die "Cannot open file"; foreach my $start_num () { $start_line_num=$start_num; } open (WRITE_END_LINE_NUM,">$filename") or die ("Cannot write end line no"); $handle=Win32::EventLog->new($eventSource2, '') or die "Can't open System EventLog on myhost\n"; $handle->GetNumber($recs); #$handle->GetOldest($base); $end_line_num += $recs; $handle->Close; print WRITE_END_LINE_NUM $end_line_num; if ($start_line_num == $end_line_num) { return 0; } elsif ($end_line_num < $start_line_num) { print "Windows System Event Log - Event Log has been Truncated or Cleared"; return $end_line_num; } else { my $lineno = $end_line_num - $start_line_num; return $lineno; } close (LAST_LINE_NUM); close (WRITE_END_LINE_NUM); } } #<-------Funtion to Parse AppEvent -----># sub parseAppEventLog { my ($first,$count); $first = $count = 0; my $msg; my $event; my $found = 0; my $EventLog; my $eventSource = $_[0]; my $limit = getLinenoApp(); #my @app_config_field2 = read_file($config_file1) or die "Config file for $config_file1 is missing or could not read - $!"; $EventLog = new Win32::EventLog( $eventSource, '' ) || die $!; $EventLog->GetOldest($first) || die $!; $EventLog->GetNumber($count) || die $!; $Win32::EventLog::GetMessageText = 1; $EventLog->Read((EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ | EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ),$first+$count,$event); open (my $out_app,">$outputfile1") or die "cannot create App event output file - $!"; if ($limit == 0) { $msg = "Common-App##Windows ".$eventSource." Event Log - Event log has not increased in size since last run"; print $out_app $msg; #exit (0); } for my $i ($first+$count-$limit+1..$first+$count) { $EventLog->Read((EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ|EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ),0,$event); my $source = $event->{'Source'}; my $timewritten = $event->{'Timewritten'}; my $id = $event->{'EventID'} & 0xffff; #to get a readable EventId my $type = $event->{'EventType'}; my $category = $event->{'Category'}; my $strings = $event->{'Strings'}; my $computer = $event->{'Computer'}; my $eventmsg = $event->{'Message'}; #---Application Common ------# if (length($app_num_common) !=0 ) { my $fr_app_num_common = qr/$app_num_common/; if($id =~ /\b$fr_app_num_common\b/) { #$msg = " ".$eventSource." Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; $msg = "Common-App##Windows error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_app $msg ; } } if (length($app_string_common) !=0 ) { #print $eventmsg; if($eventmsg =~ m/$app_string_common/i) { #$msg = " ".$eventSource." Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; $msg = "Common-App##Windows error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_app $msg; } } #----IIS System ----# if (length($app_num_iis) !=0 ) { my $fr_app_num_iis = qr/$sys_num_iis/; if($id =~ /\b$fr_app_num_iis\b/) { $msg = "IIS##Windows IIS Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_app $msg ; } } if (length($app_string_iis) !=0 ) { #print $eventmsg; if($eventmsg =~ m/$app_string_iis/i) { $msg = "IIS##Windows IIS Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_app $msg; } } #-------Powerpath System ------# if (length($app_num_powerpath) !=0 ) { my $fr_app_num_powerpath = qr/$sys_num_powerpath/; if($id =~ /\b$fr_app_num_powerpath\b/) { $msg = "Powerpath##Windows Powerpath Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_app $msg ; } } if (length($app_string_powerpath) !=0 ) { #print $eventmsg; if($eventmsg =~ m/$app_string_powerpath/i) { $msg = "Powerpath##Windows Powerpath Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_app $msg; } } } close($out_app); } #<-------Funtion to Parse SysEvent -----># sub parseSysEventLog { my ($first,$count); $first = $count = 0; my $msg; my $event; my $found = 0; my $EventLog; my $limit_sys = getLinenoSys(); my $eventSource = $_[0]; # print $limit_sys; #my @app_config_field2 = read_file($config_file1) or die "Config file for $config_file1 is missing or could not read - $!"; $EventLog = new Win32::EventLog( $eventSource, '' ) || die $!; $EventLog->GetOldest($first) || die $!; $EventLog->GetNumber($count) || die $!; $Win32::EventLog::GetMessageText = 1; $EventLog->Read((EVENTLOG_SEEK_READ | EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ),$first+$count,$event); open (my $out_sys,">$outputfile2") or die "cannot create sys event output file - $!"; if ($limit_sys == 0) { $msg = "Common-Sys##Windows ".$eventSource." Event Log - Event log has not increased in size since last run"; print $out_sys $msg; #exit (0); } for my $i ($first+$count-$limit_sys+1..$first+$count) { $EventLog->Read((EVENTLOG_SEQUENTIAL_READ|EVENTLOG_BACKWARDS_READ),0,$event); my $source = $event->{'Source'}; my $timewritten = $event->{'Timewritten'}; my $id = $event->{'EventID'} & 0xffff; #to get a readable EventId my $type = $event->{'EventType'}; my $category = $event->{'Category'}; my $strings = $event->{'Strings'}; my $computer = $event->{'Computer'}; my $eventmsg = $event->{'Message'}; #---System Common ------# if (length($sys_num_common) !=0 ) { my $fr_sys_num_common = qr/$sys_num_common/; if($id =~ /\b$fr_sys_num_common\b/) { $msg = "Common-Sys##Windows error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_sys $msg ; } } if (length($sys_string_common) !=0 ) { #print $eventmsg; if($eventmsg =~ m/$sys_string_common/i) { $msg = "Common-Sys##Windows error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_sys $msg; } } #----IIS System ----# if (length($sys_num_iis) !=0 ) { my $fr_sys_num_iis = qr/$sys_num_iis/; if($id =~ /\b$fr_sys_num_iis\b/) { $msg = "IIS##Windows IIS Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_sys $msg ; } } if (length($sys_string_iis) !=0 ) { #print $eventmsg; if($eventmsg =~ m/$sys_string_iis/i) { $msg = "IIS##Windows IIS Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_sys $msg; } } #-------Powerpath System ------# if (length($sys_num_powerpath) !=0 ) { my $fr_sys_num_powerpath = qr/$sys_num_powerpath/; if($id =~ /\b$fr_sys_num_powerpath\b/) { $msg = "Powerpath##Windows Powerpath Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_sys $msg ; } } if (length($sys_string_powerpath) !=0 ) { #print $eventmsg; if($eventmsg =~ m/$sys_string_powerpath/i) { $msg = "Powerpath##Windows Powerpath Event Log error-EventID:".$id."-".$eventmsg; print $out_sys $msg; } } } close($out_sys); } #Combine the output of System and Application event logs open (my $combined_file,">$outputfile3") or die "cannot create combined output file3 - $!"; if (( -s $outputfile1 > 0) || (-s $outputfile2 > 0)) { my @a = read_file($outputfile1) or die "couldn't read $outputfile1 - $!"; my @b = read_file($outputfile2) or die "couldn't read $outputfile2 - $!"; my $combined = {}; # hashref my $i=0; foreach (@a) { chomp; $combined->{$i}{b} = '' unless defined $combined->{$i}{b}; $combined->{$i++}{a} = $_; } $i=0; foreach (@b) { chomp; $combined->{$i}{a} = '' unless defined $combined->{$i}{a}; $combined->{$i++}{b} = $_; } foreach my $i (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %$combined) { print $combined_file $combined->{$i}{a}, ("\n"),$combined->{$i}{b}; } } close($combined_file); #Send Trap from Event_Output file my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => '', -community => 'public', -version => 'snmpv2c', -port => 162 ); my @oids1 = (); my @oids2 = (); my @oids3 = (); my @oids4 = (); my @oids5 = (); my @oids6 = (); my @fields = (); my @message; my @oid_val; $session->max_msg_size(4500); print $session->debug(255); if (!defined($session)) { printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $error); exit 1; } my @Send_Trap = read_file($outputfile3) or die "couldn't read $outputfile1 - $!"; my $result; foreach my $evt_output(@Send_Trap) { #chomp $evt_output; @fields = split "##", $evt_output; if ($fields[0] =~ m/Common-App/i) { push @oids1, ('', OCTET_STRING, $fields[1]); push @oids1, ('', OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, ''); $result = $session->snmpv2_trap( -varbindlist => \@oids1 ); } elsif ($fields[0] =~ m/Common-Sys/i) { push @oids2, ('', OCTET_STRING, $fields[1]); push @oids2, ('', OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, ''); $result = $session->snmpv2_trap( -varbindlist => \@oids2 ); } elsif ($fields[0] =~ m/IIS/i) { push @oids3, ('', OCTET_STRING, $fields[1]); push @oids3, ('', OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, ''); $result = $session->snmpv2_trap( -varbindlist => \@oids3 ); } elsif ($fields[0] =~ m/Powerpath/i) { push @oids4, ('', OCTET_STRING, $fields[1]); push @oids4, ('', OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, ''); $result = $session->snmpv2_trap( -varbindlist => \@oids4 ); } #print $fields[1]; # push @oids, ('', OCTET_STRING, $fields[1]); # push @oids, ('', OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, ''); } # my $outputmsg = join("\n", @message); # print $outputmsg; #push @oids, ('', OBJECT_IDENTIFIER, '$fields'); #print @oids1; #print $result; if (!defined($result)) { printf("ERROR: %s.\n", $session->error); $session->close; exit 1; } $session->close;