in reply to Re^2: Fibonacci Sequence
in thread Fibonacci Sequence

$"++;_:while(++$"){$"%$_||next(_)for 2..$"-1;print$",$/}

Update: trizen has pointed out that this is more efficient:

$"++;_:while(++$"){$"%$_||next(_)for 2..sqrt$";print$",$/}

... but I don't like the two extra keystrokes required. Meanwhile, this solution gives you a minor efficiency boost without any extra nasty keystroke things...

$"++;_:while(++$"){$"%$_||next(_)for 2..$"/2;print$",$/}
package Cow { use Moo; has name => (is => 'lazy', default => sub { 'Mooington' }) } say Cow->new->name