in reply to Would you stay with Perl if there were no CPAN?

What makes the CPAN so damned great is that 20 years ago, no-one designed it. People just built stuff to satisfy their needs. 20 years ago it would not have been possible to imagine all the things that now hang off the CPAN, so what we ended up with is something incredibly simple and flexible.

To address your individual points:

But as for "if CPAN doesn't exist now, people will soon create it or something like it" - really? I'm not aware of anything for any other language that comes close to the CPAN, which seems to indicate that they won't. Even ignoring all the peripheral projects like CPAN-testers, I'm not aware of anything that approaches CPAN + + I wonder how much of that is because people look at the CPAN and try to over-design their clone of it.
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