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Re: if click radio button not working separatly?

by hdb (Monsignor)
on Apr 30, 2013 at 08:14 UTC ( [id://1031350]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to if click radio button not working separatly?

virudinesh: ++ for your question this time. What you were looking for is the destroy function. I have added a few global variables for convenience. In both subs, I use the same variable for the new frame and destroy it first (if it was defined before). I hope this is close to what you wanted to achieve. I removed a bit of code just for clarity. Please always use strict; use warnings;

use strict; use warnings; use Tk; my $mw = new MainWindow(-background=>'Gray'); $mw->geometry("1400x800"); $mw ->optionAdd('*background','Gray'); my @wb; my $file; my $flag; my $frame_name; my $frme_window; my $def_path1; $wb[0] = $mw->Radiobutton( -variable => \$file, -command => \&toclink, -text => 'TOC LINK', -font => "r18", -width => 17, -foreground => 'black', -value => 1)->pack(-side=> 'top',-anchor=>'w',)->place(-relx =>0. +0,-rely =>0.20); $wb[1] = $mw->Radiobutton( -variable => \$file, -command => \&chapterlink, -text => 'CHAPTER LINK', -font => "r18", -width => 17, -foreground => 'black', -value => 2)->pack(-side=> 'top',-anchor=>'w',)->place(-relx =>0.0 +15,-rely =>0.25); $wb[2] = $mw->Radiobutton( -variable => \$file, -command => sub {$flag =3;}, -text => 'FIGURE LINK', -font => "r18", -width => 17, -foreground => 'black', -value => 3)->pack( -side => 'top', -anchor => 'w',)->place(-relx =>0.007, -rely =>0. +30); MainLoop(); sub toclink() { $frme_window->destroy() if defined $frme_window; $frme_window = $mw -> Frame( -background => 'DarkGray', -relief => 'sunken')->pack(-ipadx => 330,-ipady =>0, - +side => "right", -fill => "y"); $frme_window->Label( -text =>"Do You Want Give Input Styles: ", -font => 'Verdana 10 bold', -foreground => 'dark red', -background => 'DarkGray', -height => 1,-width =>28) -> pack( )->place( -relx =>0 +.02, -rely =>0.08); $frme_window->Button( -foreground => 'dark red', -text => "yes", -font => 'Verdana 8 bold', -height => 1, -width => 10, -background => 'DarkGray', -command => \&enable) -> pack ( )->place(-relx =>0.43, + -rely =>0.08); $frme_window->Button( -foreground => 'dark red', -text => "No", -font => 'Verdana 8 bold', -height => 1, -width => 10, -background => 'DarkGray', -command => \&disable) -> pack ( )->place( -relx =>0.5 +7, -rely =>0.08); } sub chapterlink() { $frme_window->destroy() if defined $frme_window; $frme_window = $mw -> Frame( -background => 'DarkGray', -relief => 'sunken')->pack(-ipadx => 330,-ipady =>0, - +side => "right", -fill => "y"); my $butn =$frme_window->Label( -text =>'CHAPTER LINK ', -font => 'Verdana 15 bold', -foreground => 'dark red', -background => 'DarkGray', -height => 1, -width =>23) -> pack( )->place( -relx =>0.3, -rely =>0 +.1); my $labl = $frme_window->Label( -text =>"Chapter Files ", -font => 'Verdana 10 bold', -foreground => 'dark red', -background => 'DarkGray', -height => 1, -width =>15) -> pack( )->place(-relx =>0.01, -rely +=>0.30); my $path_text6 = $frme_window->Entry( -textvariable => \$def_path1, -font => 'Verdana 8 bold', -width => 35, -background =>'white')->pack(-expand => 1)->place(-rel +x => 0.20, -rely => 0.3); my $path_butn1 = $frme_window->Button( -foreground => 'dark red', -text => "Browse", -font => 'Verdana 8 bold', -height => 1,-width => 10, -command => \&browsecl) -> pack ( )->place( -relx = +>0.65, -rely =>0.3); my $path_buttn2 = $frme_window->Button( -foreground => 'dark red', -text => "Submit", -font => 'Verdana 8 bold', -height => 1, -width => 10, -command => \&submitcl) -> pack ( )->place(-relx =>0.8 +0, -rely =>0.3); }

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