#!/usr/bin/perl use v5.14; use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Win32::Service; ## # Hostname of server where this script is being run. # my $hostname = `hostname`; chomp $hostname; ## # Reference to anonymous array returned by GetStatus. # my $w32ServiceStatus = {}; ## # Win32 API service status constants. # use constant { SERVICE_STOPPED => hex('0x00000001'), SERVICE_START_PENDING => hex('0x00000002'), SERVICE_STOP_PENDING => hex('0x00000003'), SERVICE_RUNNING => hex('0x00000004'), SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING => hex('0x00000005'), SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING => hex('0x00000006'), SERVICE_PAUSED => hex('0x00000007'), }; ## # Additional script constants. # use constant { SLEEP_INTERVAL => 15, # Time to sleep between tries (sec.). MAX_WAIT_TIME => 15, # Max time to wait for service to stop (min.). SERVICE_NAME => 'MY_SERVICE', # Service name. }; ####################################################################### # Get the current status of the service and stop it, if running. # Win32::Service::GetStatus('',SERVICE_NAME,$w32ServiceStatus); if ($w32ServiceStatus->{CurrentState} == SERVICE_RUNNING) { ## # Process ID. # my $pid = -999; ## # WMI database handle object. # my $dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:WMI:'); ## # WMI statement handle object. # my $sth = $dbh->prepare( sprintf ("SELECT * FROM Win32_Service WHERE Name = '%s'", SERVICE_NAME)); $sth->execute(); if (my $row = $sth->fetchrow()) { $pid = $row->ProcessID; } printf("Attempting to stop %s on $hostname...\n",SERVICE_NAME); ################################################################### # Stop the service. # Win32::Service::StopService('',SERVICE_NAME) or die sprintf("Unable to stop %s on %s: %s\n", SERVICE_NAME,$hostname,$!); printf("%s on %s stopping.\n",SERVICE_NAME,$hostname); ################################################################### # Continue to wait until the process is fully stopped. # my $stopCount = 0; while ($pid > 0 && $stopCount < (60 / SLEEP_INTERVAL * MAX_WAIT_TIME)) { sleep SLEEP_INTERVAL; $sth->execute(); if (my $row = $sth->fetchrow()) { $pid = $row->ProcessID; } $stopCount++; } ################################################################### # If the time taken to stop exceeds the maximum wait time, then # error out. # if ($stopCount < (60 / SLEEP_INTERVAL * MAX_WAIT_TIME)) { printf("%s stopped on %s.\n",SERVICE_NAME,$hostname); } else { die sprintf("Unable to stop %s on %s: %s\n", SERVICE_NAME,$hostname,$!); } } ####################################################################### # Service is not running. # else { printf("%s is not currently running on %s.\n",SERVICE_NAME,$hostname); } ####################################################################### # ...do whatever we're going to do before restarting the service... # ####################################################################### # Restart the service, if it was running to start with. # if ($w32ServiceStatus->{CurrentState} == SERVICE_RUNNING) { printf("Attempting to start %s on %s.\n",SERVICE_NAME,$hostname); Win32::Service::StartService('',SERVICE_NAME) or die sprintf("Unable to start %s on %s.\n",SERVICE_NAME,$hostname); printf("%s on %s started.\n",SERVICE_NAME,$hostname); }