vsespb has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have unit tests, which check that my code properly handle "permission denied" errors and other IO errors.
My application works only under POSIX systems (i.e. not Win32), and I am thinking now about porting it to CygWin.
Tests look like this (simplified version):
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 2; my $file = 'somefile.tmp'; unlink $file; open my $f, '>', $file; close $f; chmod 0000, $file; SKIP: { skip "cannot run under root", 2 unless $<; ok ! eval { somefunc($file); 1; }; ok $@ =~ /cannot open file/; } unlink $file;
and somefunc() looks like this:
sub somefunc { open my $f, "<", shift or die 'cannot open file' };
(that is a simplified version too - just for proof of concept)
In the test you can see
skip "cannot run under root", 2 unless $<;
That's because otherwise test will fail under root.
That check, however, is not working under Cygwin as expected.
And I am wondering how that code could be fixed under cygwin?
(note that I am aware of several file-system emulator modules, but I decided to stick with real filesystem, for now)