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Re^3: perltidy block indentation

by Bloodnok (Vicar)
on Dec 03, 2013 at 13:44 UTC ( [id://1065424]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: perltidy block indentation
in thread perltidy block indentation

Whilst there are no run-time problems in the OPs' code per se, there are code static analysis tools e.g. B::Lint or Perl::Critic, that will complain/warn of unreachable code - of which the return statment in the OP is a perfect example, as described by Tux. This is best/most frequently addressed using the implied else construct - again something described in Tuxs' answer - in the 1st re-implemented code block.

A user level that continues to overstate my experience :-))

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Re^4: perltidy block indentation
by saltbreez (Novice) on Dec 03, 2013 at 14:10 UTC

    Eh? There is no unreachable code in the OP. There is a non-coded space in the same scope as and below the if-else statement which *could* contain unreachable code, but there is NO code there. pertcritic confirms.

    bash-4.2$ perlcritic --brutal Code is not tidy at line 1, column 1. See page 33 of PBP. (Severity: + 1) Module does not end with "1;" at line 1, column 1. Must end with a re +cognizable true value. (Severity: 4) Code not contained in explicit package at line 1, column 1. Violates +encapsulation. (Severity: 4) No package-scoped "$VERSION" variable found at line 1, column 1. See +page 404 of PBP. (Severity: 2) Code before strictures are enabled at line 1, column 1. See page 429 +of PBP. (Severity: 5) Code before warnings are enabled at line 1, column 1. See page 431 of + PBP. (Severity: 4) Found "\t" at the end of the line at line 5, column 1. Don't use whit +espace at the end of lines. (Severity: 1) Found "\N{SPACE}" at the end of the line at line 6, column 15. Don't +use whitespace at the end of lines. (Severity: 1) Builtin function called with parentheses at line 8, column 3. See pag +e 13 of PBP. (Severity: 1) Close filehandles as soon as possible after opening them at line 8, co +lumn 3. See page 209 of PBP. (Severity: 4) "$fh" is declared but not used at line 8, column 8. Unused variables +clutter code and make it harder to read. (Severity: 3) Useless interpolation of literal string at line 8, column 16. See pag +e 51 of PBP. (Severity: 1) "die" used instead of "croak" at line 8, column 31. See page 283 of P +BP. (Severity: 3) Magic punctuation variable $! used in interpolated string at line 8, c +olumn 35. See page 79 of PBP. (Severity: 2) Found "\N{SPACE}" at the end of the line at line 8, column 61. Don't +use whitespace at the end of lines. (Severity: 1) "die" used instead of "croak" at line 14, column 3. See page 283 of P +BP. (Severity: 3)
Re^4: perltidy block indentation
by wollmers (Scribe) on Dec 04, 2013 at 08:46 UTC

    There is no unreachable code.

    But the '-e' (test if files exists) is unnecessary, because the 'open ... or die' includes the case of a not existing file.

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