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Re: Hashes, keys and multiple histogram

by choroba (Cardinal)
on Aug 17, 2014 at 07:20 UTC ( [id://1097717]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Hashes, keys and multiple histogram


@element in scalar context returns the size of the array @element. You shift the array before, so the key is the number of original elements minus 1. Are you sure that's what you want to hash by?

لսႽ† ᥲᥒ⚪⟊Ⴙᘓᖇ Ꮅᘓᖇ⎱ Ⴙᥲ𝇋ƙᘓᖇ

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Re^2: Hashes, keys and multiple histogram
by f77coder (Beadle) on Aug 17, 2014 at 07:29 UTC

    Thanks for the reply. No, it's not. The first column is the data is a switch variable, I need to grab that value from the line and put the rest of the line into the histogram. Each array element should be a key except for the first.

    I want to shove the rest of the array into the keys, loop through the next lines and counts as values

      Each array element should be a key except for the first

      Maybe I had misread this line when I wrote my previous answer. Possibly you really want something like this:

      $hash1{$_}++ for @elements;
      Example under the debugger:
      DB<1> @elements = qw/ 1 3 5 4 6/; DB<2> $hash1{$_}++ for @elements; DB<3> x \%hash1 0 HASH(0x600509af0) 1 => 1 3 => 1 4 => 1 5 => 1 6 => 1

        Thanks for reply.

        At the end, I would expect 3 histograms with the keys being elements of the array and values equal to the count.

        line = "0 1 6 2 68fd1e64 80e26c9b 1f89b562 e5ba7672"

        0 is the variable for the switch, the rest of the line needs to be put into keys and then count/increment.

        hist1={ "0" => 43, "0468d672" => 1, "05db9164" => 7, "07c540c4" => 2, "0a519c5c" => 1, "0b153874" => 14, "1" => 11, "10" => 1, "14" => 1, "15" => 1, "18" => 1, "1e88c74f" => 2, "1f89b562" => 3, "2" => 9, "241546e0" => 1, "287130e0" => 1, "287e684f" => 1, "2c16a946" => 2, } hist2={ "6c9c9cf3" => 1, "7" => 2, "776ce399" => 4, "7cd19acc" => 1, "8" => 1, "80e26c9b" => 2, "8cf07265" => 2, "8efede7f" => 1, "9b5fd12f" => 1, "ad4527a2" => 1, "ae46a29d" => 1, "b0660259" => 1, "bc6e3dc1" => 1, "be589b51" => 1, "d4bb7bd8" => 3, "d833535f" => 1, "e5ba7672" => 7, "f0cf0024" => 2, } hist3={ "3" => 2, "31" => 1, "3486227d" => 1, "361384ce" => 1, "37e4aa92" => 1, "38a947a1" => 1, "38d50e09" => 1, "3c9d8785" => 1, "4" => 3, "439a44a4" => 1, "5" => 3, "510b40a5" => 1, "5a9ed9b0" => 1, "6" => 1, "64523cfa" => 1, "68fd1e64" => 5, }
      An array cannot be the key of a hash. Perl stringifies hash keys, so that hash keys are always strings. Even if you tried something like this:
      it would not work, because your key would end up being a stringified array ref (and the array content would be lost).

      So either you want to use the string that you've read to be the hash key

      but that does not seem to be very useful in this context, or you want to store an array reference into the value of the hash
      $hash1{"some key"} = \@elements;
      but then I am not sure what you would want your key to be.

      I think you need to have (and provide us) a clearer idea of the data structure that you want to have at the end of your process.

      Quite possibly you really need an array of arrays, rather than a hash of arrays. Quick demonstration under the Perl debugger:

      DB<1> @elements = qw/ 1 3 5 4 6/; DB<2> push @array, \@elements; DB<3> @elements2 = qw/ 12 13 14 15/; DB<4> push @array, \@elements2; DB<5> x \@array 0 ARRAY(0x600509af0) 0 ARRAY(0x600500b38) 0 1 1 3 2 5 3 4 4 6 1 ARRAY(0x600500928) 0 12 1 13 2 14 3 15
      Update: Perhaps I misunderstood your requirement. Please read my next answer on Aug 17, 2014 at 08:50 UTC (immediately below)

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