
See the current Perl documentation for lib:Config.

Here is our local, out-dated (pre-5.6) version:

Config - access Perl configuration information

    use Config;
    if ($Config{'cc'} =~ /gcc/) {
        print "built by gcc\n";

    use Config qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars);

    print myconfig();

    print con

The Config module contains all the information that was available to the Configure program at Perl build time (over 900 values).

Shell variables from the file (written by Configure) are stored in the readonly-variable %Config, indexed by their names.

Values stored in as 'undef' are returned as undefined values. The perl exists function can be used to check if a named variable exists.


Returns a textual summary of the major perl configuration values. See also -V in perlrun.


Returns the entire perl configuration information in the form of the original shell variable assignment script.


Prints to STDOUT the values of the named configuration variable. Each is printed on a separate line in the form:


Names which are unknown are output as name='UNKNOWN';. See also -V:name in perlrun.


Here's a more sophisticated example of using %Config:

    use Config;
    use strict;

    my %sig_num;
    my @sig_name;
    unless($Config{sig_name} && $Config{sig_num}) {
        die "No sigs?";
    } else {
        my @names = split ' ', $Config{sig_name};
        @sig_num{@names} = split ' ', $Config{sig_num};
        foreach (@names) {
            $sig_name[$sig_num{$_}] ||= $_;

    print "signal #17 = $sig_name[17]\n";
    if ($sig_num{ALRM}) { 
        print "SIGALRM is $sig_num{ALRM}\n";


Because this information is not stored within the perl executable itself it is possible (but unlikely) that the information does not relate to the actual perl binary which is being used to access it.

The Config module is installed into the architecture and version specific library directory ($Config{installarchlib}) and it checks the perl version number when loaded.

The values stored in may be either single-quoted or double-quoted. Double-quoted strings are handy for those cases where you need to include escape sequences in the strings. To avoid runtime variable interpolation, any $ and @ characters are replaced by \$ and \@, respectively. This isn't foolproof, of course, so don't embed \$ or \@ in double-quoted strings unless you're willing to deal with the consequences. (The slashes will end up escaped and the $ or @ will trigger variable interpolation)


Most Config variables are determined by the Configure script on platforms supported by it (which is most UNIX platforms). Some platforms have custom-made Config variables, and may thus not have some of the variables described below, or may have extraneous variables specific to that particular port. See the port specific documentation in such cases.



From Loc.U:

This variable is be used internally by Configure to determine the full pathname (if any) of the Mcc program. After Configure runs, the value is reset to a plain Mcc and is not useful.



From Unix.U:

This variable defines the extension used for ordinary libraries. For unix, it is .a. The . is included. Other possible values include .lib.


From Unix.U:

This variable defines the extension used for executable files. For unix it is empty. Other possible values include .exe.


From Unix.U:

This variable defines the extension used for object files. For unix, it is .o. The . is included. Other possible values include .obj.



From afs.U:

This variable is set to true if AFS (Andrew File System) is used on the system, false otherwise. It is possible to override this with a hint value or command line option, but you'd better know what you are doing.


From alignbytes.U:

This variable holds the number of bytes required to align a double. Usual values are 2, 4 and 8.


From ansi2knr.U:

This variable is set if the user needs to run ansi2knr. Currently, this is not supported, so we just abort.


From d_gethname.U:

Thie variable contains the command which can be used to compute the host name. The command is fully qualified by its absolute path, to make it safe when used by a process with super-user privileges.


From patchlevel.U:

This is a number which identifies the lowest version of perl to have an API (for perlguts extensions) compatible with the present version. For example, for 5.005_01, the apiversion should be 5.005, since 5.005_01 should be binary compatible with 5.005. This should probably be incremented manually somehow, perhaps from patchlevel.h. For now, we'll guess maintenance subversions will retain binary compatibility.


From Loc.U:

This variable is be used internally by Configure to determine the full pathname (if any) of the ar program. After Configure runs, the value is reset to a plain ar and is not useful.


From archlib.U:

This variable holds the name of the directory in which the user wants to put architecture-dependent public library files for $package. It is most often a local directory such as /usr/local/lib. Programs using this variable must be prepared to deal with filename expansion.


From archlib.U:

This variable is the same as the archlib variable, but is filename expanded at configuration time, for convenient use.


From archname.U:

This variable is a short name to characterize the current architecture. It is used mainly to construct the default archlib.


From Unix.U:

This variable defines any additional objects that must be linked in with the program on this architecture. On unix, it is usually empty. It is typically used to include emulations of unix calls or other facilities. For perl on OS/2, for example, this would include os2/os2.obj.


From Loc.U:

This variable is be used internally by Configure to determine the full pathname (if any) of the awk program. After Configure runs, the value is reset to a plain awk and is not useful.



From baserev.U:

The base revision level of this package, from the .package file.


From Loc.U:

This variable is defined but not used by Configure. The value is a plain '' and is not useful.


From bin.U:

This variable holds the name of the directory in which the user wants to put publicly executable images for the package in question. It is most often a local directory such as /usr/local/bin. Programs using this variable must be prepared to deal with ~name substitution.


From bin.U:

This is the same as the bin variable, but is filename expanded at configuration time, for use in your makefiles.


From Loc.U:

This variable is defined but not used by Configure. The value is a plain '' and is not useful.


From Loc.U:

This variable is be used internally by Configure to determine the full pathname (if any) of the byacc program. After Configure runs, the value is reset to a plain byacc and is not useful.


From byteorder.U:

This variable holds the byte order. In the following, larger digits indicate more significance. The variable byteorder is either 4321 on a big-endian machine, or 1234 on a little-endian, or 87654321 on a Cray ... or 3412 with weird order !



From n.U:

This variable contains the \c string if that is what causes the echo command to suppress newline. Otherwise it is null. Correct usage is

        $echo $n "prompt for a question: $c".

From d_castneg.U:

This variable contains a flag that precise difficulties the compiler has casting odd floating values to unsigned long:

        0 = ok

        1 = couldn't cast < 0

        2 = couldn't cast >= 0x80000000

        4 = couldn't cast in argument expression list

From Loc.U:

This variable is be used internally by Configure to determine the full pathname (if any) of the cat program. After Configure runs, the value is reset to a plain cat and is not useful.


From cc.U:

This variable holds the name of a command to execute a C compiler which can resolve multiple global references that happen to have the same name. Usual values are cc, Mcc, cc -M, and gcc.


From dlsrc.U:

This variable contains any special flags that might need to be passed with cc -c to compile modules to be used to create a shared library that will be used for dynamic loading. For hpux, this should be +z. It is up to the makefile to use it.


From dlsrc.U:

This variable contains any special flags that might need to be passed to cc to link with a shared library for dynamic loading. It is up to the makefile to use it. For sunos 4.1, it should be empty.


From ccflags.U:

This variable contains any additional C compiler flags desired by the user. It is up to the Makefile to use this.


From cf_who.U:

Login name of the person who ran the Configure script and answered the questions. This is used to tag both and config_h.SH.


From cf_email.U:

Electronic mail address of the person who ran Configure. This can be used by units that require the user's e-mail, like MailList.U.


From cf_who.U:

Holds the output of the date command when the configuration file was produced. This is used to tag both and config_h.SH.


From Loc.U:

This variable is defined but not used by Configure. The value is a plain '' and is not useful.


From Loc.U:

This variable is defined but not used by Configure. The value is a plain '' and is not useful.


From Loc.U:

This variable is defined but not used by Configure. The value is a plain '' and is not useful.


From d_times.U:

This variable holds the type returned by times(). It can be long, or clock_t on BSD sites (in which case <sys/types.h> should be included).


From Loc.U:

This variable is be used internally by Configure to determine the full pathname (if any) of the comm program. After Configure runs, the value is reset to a plain comm and is not useful.


From Loc.U:

This variable is defined but not used by Configure. The value is a plain '' and is not useful.


From contains.U:

This variable holds the command to do a grep with a proper return status. On most sane systems it is simply grep. On insane systems it is a grep followed by a cat followed by a test. This variable is primarily for the use of other Configure units.


From Loc.U:

This variable is be used internally by Configure to determine the full pathname (if any) of the cp program. After Configure runs, the value is reset to a plain cp and is not useful.


From Loc.U:

This variable is defined but not used by Configure. The value is a plain '' and is not useful.


From Loc.U:

This variable is be used internally by Configure to determine the full pathname (if any) of the cpp program. After Configure runs, the value is reset to a plain cpp and is not useful.


From cpp_stuff.U:

This variable contains an identification of the catenation mechanism used by the C preprocessor.


From ccflags.U:

This variable holds the flags that will be passed to the C pre- processor. It is up to the Makefile to use it.


From cppstdin.U:

This variable has the same functionality as cppminus, only it applies to cpprun and not cppstdin.


From cppstdin.U:

This variable contains the second part of the string which will invoke the C preprocessor on the standard input and produce to standard output. This variable will have the value - if cppstdin needs a minus to specify standard input, otherwise the value is ``''.


From cppstdin.U:

This variable contains the command which will invoke a C preprocessor on standard input and put the output to stdout. It is guaranteed not to be a wrapper and may be a null string if no preprocessor can be made directly available. This preprocessor might be different from the one used by the C compiler. Don't forget to append cpplast after the preprocessor options.


From cppstdin.U:

This variable contains the command which will invoke the C preprocessor on standard input and put the output to stdout. It is primarily used by other Configure units that ask about preprocessor symbols.


From d_crypt.U:

This variable holds -lcrypt or the path to a libcrypt.a archive if the crypt() function is not defined in the standard C library. It is up to the Makefile to use this.


From Loc.U:

This variable is be used internally by Configure to determine the full pathname (if any) of the csh program. After Configure runs, the value is reset to a plain csh and is not useful.



From d_gconvert.U:

This variable holds what Gconvert is defined as to convert floating point numbers into strings. It could be gconvert or a more complex macro emulating gconvert with gcvt() or sprintf.


From d_access.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_ACCESS if the access() system call is available to check for access permissions using real IDs.


From d_alarm.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_ALARM symbol, which indicates to the C program that the alarm() routine is available.


From archlib.U:

This variable conditionally defines ARCHLIB to hold the pathname of architecture-dependent library files for $package. If $archlib is the same as $privlib, then this is set to undef.


From d_attribut.U:

This variable conditionally defines HASATTRIBUTE, which indicates the C compiler can check for function attributes, such as printf formats.


From d_bcmp.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_BCMP symbol if the bcmp() routine is available to compare strings.


From d_bcopy.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_BCOPY symbol if the bcopy() routine is available to copy strings.


From Guess.U:

This symbol conditionally defines the symbol BSD when running on a BSD system.


From d_getpgrp.U:

This variable conditionally defines USE_BSD_GETPGRP if getpgrp needs one arguments whereas USG one needs none.


From d_setpgrp.U:

This variable conditionally defines USE_BSD_SETPGRP if setpgrp needs two arguments whereas USG one needs none. See also d_setpgid for a POSIX interface.


From d_bzero.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_BZERO symbol if the bzero() routine is available to set memory to 0.


From d_casti32.U:

This variable conditionally defines CASTI32, which indicates whether the C compiler can cast large floats to 32-bit ints.


From d_castneg.U:

This variable conditionally defines CASTNEG, which indicates wether the C compiler can cast negative float to unsigned.


From d_vprintf.U:

This variable conditionally defines CHARVSPRINTF if this system has vsprintf returning type (char*). The trend seems to be to declare it as ``int vsprintf()''.


From d_chown.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_CHOWN symbol, which indicates to the C program that the chown() routine is available.


From d_chroot.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_CHROOT symbol, which indicates to the C program that the chroot() routine is available.


From d_chsize.U:

This variable conditionally defines the CHSIZE symbol, which indicates to the C program that the chsize() routine is available to truncate files. You might need a -lx to get this routine.


From d_closedir.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_CLOSEDIR if closedir() is available.


From d_const.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HASCONST symbol, which indicates to the C program that this C compiler knows about the const type.


From d_crypt.U:

This variable conditionally defines the CRYPT symbol, which indicates to the C program that the crypt() routine is available to encrypt passwords and the like.


From d_csh.U:

This variable conditionally defines the CSH symbol, which indicates to the C program that the C-shell exists.


From d_cuserid.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_CUSERID symbol, which indicates to the C program that the cuserid() routine is available to get character login names.


From d_dbl_dig.U:

This variable conditionally defines d_dbl_dig if this system's header files provide DBL_DIG, which is the number of significant digits in a double precision number.


From d_difftime.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_DIFFTIME symbol, which indicates to the C program that the difftime() routine is available.


From i_dirent.U:

This variable conditionally defines DIRNAMLEN, which indicates to the C program that the length of directory entry names is provided by a d_namelen field.


From d_dlerror.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_DLERROR symbol, which indicates to the C program that the dlerror() routine is available.


From d_dlopen.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_DLOPEN symbol, which indicates to the C program that the dlopen() routine is available.


From d_dlsymun.U:

This variable conditionally defines DLSYM_NEEDS_UNDERSCORE, which indicates that we need to prepend an underscore to the symbol name before calling dlsym().


From d_dosuid.U:

This variable conditionally defines the symbol DOSUID, which tells the C program that it should insert setuid emulation code on hosts which have setuid #! scripts disabled.


From d_dup2.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_DUP2 if dup2() is available to duplicate file descriptors.


From d_endgrent.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_ENDGRENT symbol, which indicates to the C program that the endgrent() routine is available for sequential access of the group database.


From d_endhent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_ENDHOSTENT if endhostent() is available to close whatever was being used for host queries.


From d_endnent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_ENDNETENT if endnetent() is available to close whatever was being used for network queries.


From d_endpent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_ENDPROTOENT if endprotoent() is available to close whatever was being used for protocol queries.


From d_endpwent.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_ENDPWENT symbol, which indicates to the C program that the endpwent() routine is available for sequential access of the passwd database.


From d_endsent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_ENDSERVENT if endservent() is available to close whatever was being used for service queries.


From nblock_io.U:

This variable conditionally defines EOF_NONBLOCK if EOF can be seen when reading from a non-blocking I/O source.


From Guess.U:

This variable conditionally defines the symbols EUNICE and VAX, which alerts the C program that it must deal with ideosyncracies of VMS.


From d_fchmod.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_FCHMOD symbol, which indicates to the C program that the fchmod() routine is available to change mode of opened files.


From d_fchown.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_FCHOWN symbol, which indicates to the C program that the fchown() routine is available to change ownership of opened files.


From d_fcntl.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_FCNTL symbol, and indicates whether the fcntl() function exists


From d_fd_set.U:

This variable contains the eventual value of the HAS_FD_MACROS symbol, which indicates if your C compiler knows about the macros which manipulate an fd_set.


From d_fd_set.U:

This variable contains the eventual value of the HAS_FD_SET symbol, which indicates if your C compiler knows about the fd_set typedef.


From d_fd_set.U:

This variable contains the eventual value of the HAS_FDS_BITS symbol, which indicates if your fd_set typedef contains the fds_bits member. If you have an fd_set typedef, but the dweebs who installed it did a half-fast job and neglected to provide the macros to manipulate an fd_set, HAS_FDS_BITS will let us know how to fix the gaffe.


From d_fgetpos.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_FGETPOS if fgetpos() is available to get the file position indicator.


From d_flexfnam.U:

This variable conditionally defines the FLEXFILENAMES symbol, which indicates that the system supports filenames longer than 14 characters.


From d_flock.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_FLOCK if flock() is available to do file locking.


From d_fork.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_FORK symbol, which indicates to the C program that the fork() routine is available.


From d_pathconf.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_FPATHCONF symbol, which indicates to the C program that the pathconf() routine is available to determine file-system related limits and options associated with a given open file descriptor.


From d_fsetpos.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_FSETPOS if fsetpos() is available to set the file position indicator.


From d_ftime.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_FTIME symbol, which indicates that the ftime() routine exists. The ftime() routine is basically a sub-second accuracy clock.


From d_getgrent.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETGRENT symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getgrent() routine is available for sequential access of the group database.


From d_getgrps.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETGROUPS symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getgroups() routine is available to get the list of process groups.


From d_gethbyad.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETHOSTBYADDR symbol, which indicates to the C program that the gethostbyaddr() routine is available to look up hosts by their IP addresses.


From d_gethbynm.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETHOSTBYNAME symbol, which indicates to the C program that the gethostbyname() routine is available to look up host names in some data base or other.


From d_gethent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_GETHOSTENT if gethostent() is available to look up host names in some data base or another.


From d_gethname.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETHOSTNAME symbol, which indicates to the C program that the gethostname() routine may be used to derive the host name.


From d_gethostprotos.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETHOST_PROTOS symbol, which indicates to the C program that <netdb.h> supplies prototypes for the various gethost*() functions. See also netdbtype.U for probing for various netdb types.


From d_getlogin.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETLOGIN symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getlogin() routine is available to get the login name.


From d_getnbyad.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETNETBYADDR symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getnetbyaddr() routine is available to look up networks by their IP addresses.


From d_getnbynm.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETNETBYNAME symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getnetbyname() routine is available to look up networks by their names.


From d_getnent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_GETNETENT if getnetent() is available to look up network names in some data base or another.


From d_getnetprotos.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETNET_PROTOS symbol, which indicates to the C program that <netdb.h> supplies prototypes for the various getnet*() functions. See also netdbtype.U for probing for various netdb types.


From d_getprotby.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETPROTOBYNAME symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getprotobyname() routine is available to look up protocols by their name.


From d_getprotby.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETPROTOBYNUMBER symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getprotobynumber() routine is available to look up protocols by their number.


From d_getpent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_GETPROTOENT if getprotoent() is available to look up protocols in some data base or another.


From d_getpgid.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETPGID symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getpgid(pid) function is available to get the process group id.


From d_getpgrp2.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETPGRP2 symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getpgrp2() (as in DG/UX) routine is available to get the current process group.


From d_getpgrp.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_GETPGRP if getpgrp() is available to get the current process group.


From d_getppid.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETPPID symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getppid() routine is available to get the parent process ID.


From d_getprior.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_GETPRIORITY if getpriority() is available to get a process's priority.


From d_getprotoprotos.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETPROTO_PROTOS symbol, which indicates to the C program that <netdb.h> supplies prototypes for the various getproto*() functions. See also netdbtype.U for probing for various netdb types.


From d_getpwent.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETPWENT symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getpwent() routine is available for sequential access of the passwd database.


From d_getsrvby.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETSERVBYNAME symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getservbyname() routine is available to look up services by their name.


From d_getsrvby.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETSERVBYPORT symbol, which indicates to the C program that the getservbyport() routine is available to look up services by their port.


From d_getsent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_GETSERVENT if getservent() is available to look up network services in some data base or another.


From d_getservprotos.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETSERV_PROTOS symbol, which indicates to the C program that <netdb.h> supplies prototypes for the various getserv*() functions. See also netdbtype.U for probing for various netdb types.


From d_ftime.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_GETTIMEOFDAY symbol, which indicates that the gettimeofday() system call exists (to obtain a sub-second accuracy clock). You should probably include <sys/resource.h>.


From d_gnulibc.U:

Defined if we're dealing with the GNU C Library.


From i_grp.U:

This variable conditionally defines GRPASSWD, which indicates that struct group in <grp.h> contains gr_passwd.


From d_htonl.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_HTONL if htonl() and its friends are available to do network order byte swapping.


From d_strchr.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_INDEX if index() and rindex() are available for string searching.


From d_inetaton.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_INET_ATON symbol, which indicates to the C program that the inet_aton() function is available to parse IP address dotted-quad strings.


From d_isascii.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_ISASCII constant, which indicates to the C program that isascii() is available.


From d_killpg.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_KILLPG symbol, which indicates to the C program that the killpg() routine is available to kill process groups.


From d_lchown.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_LCHOWN symbol, which indicates to the C program that the lchown() routine is available to operate on a symbolic link (instead of following the link).


From d_link.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_LINK if link() is available to create hard links.


From d_locconv.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_LOCALECONV if localeconv() is available for numeric and monetary formatting conventions.


From d_lockf.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_LOCKF if lockf() is available to do file locking.


From d_longdbl.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_LONG_DOUBLE if the long double type is supported.


From d_longlong.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_LONG_LONG if the long long type is supported.


From d_lstat.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_LSTAT if lstat() is available to do file stats on symbolic links.


From d_mblen.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MBLEN symbol, which indicates to the C program that the mblen() routine is available to find the number of bytes in a multibye character.


From d_mbstowcs.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MBSTOWCS symbol, which indicates to the C program that the mbstowcs() routine is available to convert a multibyte string into a wide character string.


From d_mbtowc.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MBTOWC symbol, which indicates to the C program that the mbtowc() routine is available to convert multibyte to a wide character.


From d_memcmp.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MEMCMP symbol, which indicates to the C program that the memcmp() routine is available to compare blocks of memory.


From d_memcpy.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MEMCPY symbol, which indicates to the C program that the memcpy() routine is available to copy blocks of memory.


From d_memmove.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MEMMOVE symbol, which indicates to the C program that the memmove() routine is available to copy potentatially overlapping blocks of memory.


From d_memset.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MEMSET symbol, which indicates to the C program that the memset() routine is available to set blocks of memory.


From d_mkdir.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MKDIR symbol, which indicates to the C program that the mkdir() routine is available to create directories..


From d_mkfifo.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MKFIFO symbol, which indicates to the C program that the mkfifo() routine is available.


From d_mktime.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MKTIME symbol, which indicates to the C program that the mktime() routine is available.


From d_msg.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MSG symbol, which indicates that the entire msg*(2) library is present.


From d_msgctl.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MSGCTL symbol, which indicates to the C program that the msgctl() routine is available.


From d_msgget.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MSGGET symbol, which indicates to the C program that the msgget() routine is available.


From d_msgrcv.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MSGRCV symbol, which indicates to the C program that the msgrcv() routine is available.


From d_msgsnd.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_MSGSND symbol, which indicates to the C program that the msgsnd() routine is available.


From mallocsrc.U:

This variable conditionally defines MYMALLOC in case other parts of the source want to take special action if MYMALLOC is used. This may include different sorts of profiling or error detection.


From d_nice.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_NICE symbol, which indicates to the C program that the nice() routine is available.


From usethreads.U:

This variable conditionally defines the OLD_PTHREADS_API symbol, and indicates that Perl should be built to use the old draft POSIX threads API. This is only potneially meaningful if usethreads is set.


From d_socket.U:

This variable conditionally defines the OLDSOCKET symbol, which indicates that the BSD socket interface is based on 4.1c and not 4.2.


From d_open3.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_OPEN3 manifest constant, which indicates to the C program that the 3 argument version of the open(2) function is available.


From d_pathconf.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_PATHCONF symbol, which indicates to the C program that the pathconf() routine is available to determine file-system related limits and options associated with a given filename.


From d_pause.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_PAUSE symbol, which indicates to the C program that the pause() routine is available to suspend a process until a signal is received.


From d_gethname.U:

This variable conditionally defines the PHOSTNAME symbol, which contains the shell command which, when fed to popen(), may be used to derive the host name.


From d_pipe.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_PIPE symbol, which indicates to the C program that the pipe() routine is available to create an inter-process channel.


From d_poll.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_POLL symbol, which indicates to the C program that the poll() routine is available to poll active file descriptors.


From d_portable.U:

This variable conditionally defines the PORTABLE symbol, which indicates to the C program that it should not assume that it is running on the machine it was compiled on.


From d_pthread_y.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_PTHREAD_YIELD symbol if the pthread_yield routine is available to yield the execution of the current thread.


From d_pthreadj.U:

This variable conditionally defines the PTHREADS_CREATED_JOINABLE symbol if pthreads are created in the joinable (aka undetached) state.


From i_pwd.U:

This variable conditionally defines PWAGE, which indicates that struct passwd contains pw_age.


From i_pwd.U:

This variable conditionally defines PWCHANGE, which indicates that struct passwd contains pw_change.


From i_pwd.U:

This variable conditionally defines PWCLASS, which indicates that struct passwd contains pw_class.


From i_pwd.U:

This variable conditionally defines PWCOMMENT, which indicates that struct passwd contains pw_comment.


From i_pwd.U:

This variable conditionally defines PWEXPIRE, which indicates that struct passwd contains pw_expire.


From i_pwd.U:

This variable conditionally defines PWGECOS, which indicates that struct passwd contains pw_gecos.


From i_pwd.U:

This variable conditionally defines PWPASSWD, which indicates that struct passwd contains pw_passwd.


From i_pwd.U:

This variable conditionally defines PWQUOTA, which indicates that struct passwd contains pw_quota.


From d_readdir.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_READDIR if readdir() is available to read directory entries.


From d_readlink.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_READLINK symbol, which indicates to the C program that the readlink() routine is available to read the value of a symbolic link.


From d_rename.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_RENAME symbol, which indicates to the C program that the rename() routine is available to rename files.


From d_readdir.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_REWINDDIR if rewinddir() is available.


From d_rmdir.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_RMDIR if rmdir() is available to remove directories.


From d_safebcpy.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SAFE_BCOPY symbol if the bcopy() routine can do overlapping copies.


From d_safemcpy.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SAFE_MEMCPY symbol if the memcpy() routine can do overlapping copies.


From d_sanemcmp.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SANE_MEMCMP symbol if the memcpy() routine is available and can be used to compare relative magnitudes of chars with their high bits set.


From d_pthread_y.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SCHED_YIELD symbol if the sched_yield routine is available to yield the execution of the current thread.


From d_readdir.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_SEEKDIR if seekdir() is available.


From d_select.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_SELECT if select() is available to select active file descriptors. A <sys/time.h> inclusion may be necessary for the timeout field.


From d_sem.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SEM symbol, which indicates that the entire sem*(2) library is present.


From d_semctl.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SEMCTL symbol, which indicates to the C program that the semctl() routine is available.


From d_union_senum.U:

This variable conditionally defines USE_SEMCTL_SEMID_DS, which indicates that struct semid_ds * is to be used for semctl IPC_STAT.


From d_union_senum.U:

This variable conditionally defines USE_SEMCTL_SEMUN, which indicates that union semun is to be used for semctl IPC_STAT.


From d_semget.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SEMGET symbol, which indicates to the C program that the semget() routine is available.


From d_semop.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SEMOP symbol, which indicates to the C program that the semop() routine is available.


From d_setegid.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SETEGID symbol, which indicates to the C program that the setegid() routine is available to change the effective gid of the current program.


From d_seteuid.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SETEUID symbol, which indicates to the C program that the seteuid() routine is available to change the effective uid of the current program.


From d_setgrent.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SETGRENT symbol, which indicates to the C program that the setgrent() routine is available for initializing sequential access to the group database.


From d_setgrps.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SETGROUPS symbol, which indicates to the C program that the setgroups() routine is available to set the list of process groups.


From d_sethent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_SETHOSTENT if sethostent() is available.


From d_setlnbuf.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SETLINEBUF symbol, which indicates to the C program that the setlinebuf() routine is available to change stderr or stdout from block-buffered or unbuffered to a line-buffered mode.


From d_setlocale.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_SETLOCALE if setlocale() is available to handle locale-specific ctype implementations.


From d_setnent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_SETNETENT if setnetent() is available.


From d_setpent.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_SETPROTOENT if setprotoent() is available.


From d_setpgid.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SETPGID symbol if the setpgid(pid, gpid) function is available to set process group ID.


From d_setpgrp2.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SETPGRP2 symbol, which indicates to the C program that the setpgrp2() (as in DG/UX) routine is available to set the current process group.


From d_setpgrp.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_SETPGRP if setpgrp() is available to set the current process group.


From d_setprior.U:

This variable conditionally defines HAS_SETPRIORITY if setpriority() is available to set a process's priority.


From d_setpwent.U:

This variable conditionally defines the HAS_SETPWENT symbol, which indicates to the C program that the setpwent() routine is available for initializing sequential access to the passwd database.
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