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Re^3: Code review: function to trim whitespace from all items in a list

by Tux (Canon)
on Nov 21, 2014 at 11:28 UTC ( [id://1107998]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: Code review: function to trim whitespace from all items in a list
in thread Code review: function to trim whitespace from all items in a list

What about undef? It can be even faster:

use 5.16.2; #use warnings; use Test::More; use Benchmark qw( cmpthese ); # Returns non-empty strings with leading and trailing spaces removed. sub mca # McA { grep { $_ ne "" } map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_ } @_; } sub tux # Tux { map { defined $_ ? m/(\S(?:.*\S)?)/ : () } @_; } sub choroba # choroba { grep !m/^$/ => map s/^\s+|\s+$//gr => @_ } sub eplam # eyepopslikeamosquito { grep { !m/^\s*$/ && s/^\s*|\s*$//g } @_; } my @x = (" hello ", "\thello again\t", "", " ", undef, " \t", "jock", "\t abc", "def \t "); my @e = ("hello", "hello again", "jock", "abc", "def"); is_deeply ([ mca (@x) ], \@e, "mca"); is_deeply ([ tux (@x) ], \@e, "tux"); is_deeply ([ choroba (@x) ], \@e, "choroba"); is_deeply ([ eplam (@x) ], \@e, "eplam"); cmpthese (1000000, { "mca" => sub { my @y = mca (@x); }, "tux" => sub { my @y = tux (@x); }, "choroba" => sub { my @y = choroba (@x); }, "eplam" => sub { my @y = eplam (@x); }, }); done_testing; __END__ ok 1 - mca ok 2 - tux ok 3 - choroba ok 4 - eplam Rate eplam choroba mca tux eplam 100908/s -- -40% -57% -66% choroba 169205/s 68% -- -29% -43% mca 236967/s 135% 40% -- -20% tux 297619/s 195% 76% 26% -- 1..4

Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
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Re^4: Code review: function to trim whitespace from all items in a list
by duelafn (Parson) on Nov 21, 2014 at 16:01 UTC

    These benchmarks are unreliable due to the mutating aspect of some of the functions. With original list copying, the results change (eplam and chorba now tied). Also, reporting whether the code is mutating and/or offends Perl::Critic can help in actually deciding what really is best. (modify Perl::Critic settings to taste)

    ok 1 - mca is mutating does not offend Perl::Critic ok 2 - choroba is NOT mutating offends Perl::Critic Expression form of "grep" at line 6, column 5. See page 169 + of PBP. Expression form of "map" at line 6, column 20. See page 169 + of PBP. ok 3 - tux is NOT mutating does not offend Perl::Critic ok 4 - eplam is mutating does not offend Perl::Critic Rate eplam choroba mca tux eplam 41701/s -- -2% -40% -54% choroba 42626/s 2% -- -39% -53% mca 69930/s 68% 64% -- -23% tux 91241/s 119% 114% 30% -- 1..4

    More honest benchmark code:

    use 5.14.2; #use warnings; no strict 'refs'; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use Perl::Critic; use Test::More; use Benchmark qw( cmpthese ); # Returns non-empty strings with leading and trailing spaces removed. my %tests = ( mca => <<'MCA', sub mca # McA { grep { $_ ne "" } map { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; $_ } @_; } MCA tux => <<'TUX', sub tux # Tux { map { defined $_ ? m/(\S(?:.*\S)?)/ : () } @_; } TUX choroba => <<'CHOROBA', sub choroba # choroba { grep !m/^$/ => map s/^\s+|\s+$//gr => @_ } CHOROBA eplam => <<'EPLAM', sub eplam # eyepopslikeamosquito { grep { !m/^\s*$/ && s/^\s*|\s*$//g } @_; } EPLAM ); my @orig = (" hello ", "\thello again\t", "", " ", undef, " \t", "jock", "\t abc", "def \t "); my @e = ("hello", "hello again", "jock", "abc", "def"); my @x; # Configure Perl::Critic as you will: my $critic = Perl::Critic->new(-severity => 4); sub test { my ($name, $code) = @_; eval $code; @x = @orig; is_deeply ([ &$name(@x) ], \@e, $name); say " ", (eq_array(\@orig, \@x) ? "is NOT mutating" : "is mu +tating"); # Optional fixups that your Perl::Critic config expects $code = <<"FAKE_CODE"; package Foo; use strict; use warnings; $code; 1; FAKE_CODE say " ", ($critic->critique(\$code) ? "offends Perl::Critic" + : "does not offend Perl::Critic"); print " ", $_ for $critic->critique(\$code); } my %compare; for (keys %tests) { my ($name, $code) = ($_, $tests{$_}); test $name => $code; $compare{$name} = sub { @x = @orig; my @y = &$name(@x); }; } cmpthese (1000000, \%compare); done_testing;

    Update: Added reporting about whether method is mutating or not.

    Update 2: Ok, just having fun now, added inline Perl::Critic check and reporting.

    Good Day,

      So I win on every point :)

      Couldn't resist

      Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn

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