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Re^2: Perl threads - parallel run not working

by marioroy (Prior)
on Sep 16, 2015 at 08:57 UTC ( [id://1142175]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Perl threads - parallel run not working
in thread Perl threads - parallel run not working

Updated September 5, 2016: Modified code to run with MCE 1.8 / MCE::Shared 1.8.

The following runs with Perl not built with threads support.

use strict; use warnings; # usage: ./ <user> /var/tmp /tmp # output is saved under /var/tmp/test_<user>.file.list use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile); use MCE; use MCE::Queue; use MCE::Shared; # Get user info and directories to start with my $user = shift; my $uidNum = getpwnam($user); my @start_dirs = @ARGV or die "Please specify one or more starting directories, stopped"; -d or die "No such directory: $_, stopped" for @start_dirs; # Shared queue and counter my $shared_work = MCE::Queue->new( fast => 1, queue => \@start_dirs ); my $free_count = MCE::Shared->scalar( 0 ); # Open output file open my $user_file, ">", "/var/tmp/test_$user.file.list" or die "cannot open file: $!"; sub traverse { $free_count->decr; my ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid ); my @work = $_; while ( $_ = shift @work, defined ) { my ( $dir, $path, @paths ) = ( $_ ); opendir DH, $dir or next; for ( readdir DH ) { next if $_ eq '.' || $_ eq '..'; if ( -d ( $path = catfile($dir,$_) ) ) { ( @work < 15 ) ? push @work, $path : $shared_work->enqueue($path); next; } push @paths, $path; } for my $file ( @paths ) { if ( -f $file ) { ( $dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid ) = lstat( $file ) +; MCE->print( $user_file, "$file:$uidNum:$gid:$mode\n" ) if $uid == $uidNum; } } } # Done with our work, let everyone know we're free $shared_work->enqueue( (undef) x MCE->max_workers ) if $free_count->incr == MCE->max_workers && !$shared_work->pendi +ng; } my $mce = MCE->new( max_workers => 8, user_begin => sub { $free_count->incr }, user_func => sub { traverse() while ($_ = $shared_work->dequeue, de +fined) }, ); $mce->run; close $user_file;

Kind regards, Mario

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