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Re^2: How to make parent wait for all the child processes.

by gjoshi (Sexton)
on Nov 25, 2015 at 06:03 UTC ( [id://1148576]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: How to make parent wait for all the child processes.
in thread How to make parent wait for all the child processes.

Thx Apero. It was very nice explanation. I got what you are trying to say. one more twist i need to add. What if I fork another process before forking there 3 processes?

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::INET; use IO::Handle; use IO::Select; require POSIX; # provides WNOHANG # Set up a signal handler. # This prevents child processes from becoming zombies. # The subroutine is defined further below. $SIG{CHLD} = \&reap_kids; my $IsParent = 1; my $ListenPort = 5000; my $PPID = $$; sub StartServer { (my $Port) = @_; print "StartServer($Port) \n"; my %data; my %nextpass; my $bufs =""; my $tbufs; my $TempSessionID = "12345"; $0="UE_ServerListen_$TempSessionID\_Port_$Port"; # Rename process my $socket = new IO::Socket::INET ( LocalHost => '', LocalPort => $Port, Proto => 'tcp', Listen => $Port, Blocking => 0, Reuse => 1 ) or die "ERROR in Socket Creation : $!\n"; # Bound to$Port my $select = IO::Select->new($socket) or die "IO::Select $!"; # server waiting for client connection on port $Port print "Server started listen on port $Port \n"; my $IsRunning = 1; while($IsRunning) { # Fix For UEC process stays alive in the BG my $exists = kill 0, $PPID; print "Parent is dead exiting...\n" if (!$exists); $data{'Sys_Status'} = 0 if (!$exists); $IsRunning = 0 if (!$exists); my @ready_clients = $select->can_read(0); foreach my $fh (@ready_clients) { if($fh == $socket) { # New client $fh (total clients: (($select->count)-1) my $new = $socket->accept(); $select->add($new); } } @ready_clients = $select->can_read(0); foreach my $fh (@ready_clients) { if($fh != $socket) { $fh->recv(my $tmpbufs,1024); if ($tmpbufs) { my $bufs=""; my $tbufs=""; $bufs=$nextpass{$fh} if $nextpass{$fh}; if (substr($tmpbufs, -1) ne "\n") { for (my $x=length($tmpbufs);$x>=1;$x--) { if (substr($tmpbufs, $x,1) eq "\n") { $tbufs=substr($tmpbufs,0, $x); $nextpass{$fh}=substr($tmpbufs,$x+1); last ; } } $bufs.=$tbufs; } else { my $tmp = $nextpass{$fh}; if ((defined($tmp)) && ($tmp ne '')) { $bufs= $nextpass{$fh}.$tmpbufs; $nextpass{$fh}=""; } else { $bufs= $tmpbufs; $nextpass{$fh}=""; } } chomp($bufs); foreach my $buf ((split(/\n/,$bufs))) { chomp($buf); (my $command,my $key,my $value)=split(/\|/,$buf); if ($command =~ /Die/) { $IsRunning = 0; exit +; } elsif ($command =~ /w/) { $data{$key}=$value;} elsif ($command =~ /r/) { print $fh "$data{$ke +y}\n"; } elsif ($command =~ /m/) { delete $ +data{$key}; } elsif ($command =~ /e/) { my $ResV +al = exists($data{$key}); print $fh "$ResVal\n"; } elsif ($command =~ /s/) { printTS( +$value . "\n",-1,0.000,$key,1); } elsif ($command =~ /k/) { my $count=0; foreach my $key (keys %data) { print $fh "$key\n"; } print $fh "EOT\n"; } else { print "BAD: $buf \n $bufs|"; } } } else { # Client disconnected $select->remove($fh); # Connection Closed: $fh close($fh); # Total connected clients => (($select->count)-1) } } } select(undef,undef,undef, .1); } $socket->close(); } sub ConnectToServer { (my $host ,my $Port ,my $cmd_timeout)= @_; print "ConnectToServer($host ,$Port ,$cmd_timeout) \n"; alarm ($cmd_timeout); my $t_recv = new IO::Socket::INET ( PeerHost => $host, PeerPort => $Port, TimeOut => $cmd_timeout, Blocking => 1, Proto => 'tcp',) or print "Unable make connection\n"; alarm 0; return $t_recv; } sub KillServer { (my $SocketHndl) = @_; print "KillServer($SocketHndl)\n"; if ((defined($SocketHndl)) && ($SocketHndl != 0)) { print $SocketHndl "Die\n"; } } sub WriteValueToDB { (my $Value, my $DbHndl, my $HashKey) = @_; print "WriteValueToDB($Value, $DbHndl, $HashKey) \n"; if ((defined($DbHndl)) && ($DbHndl != 0)) { print "Value is $HashKey: $Value, To DB $DbHndl \n"; print $DbHndl "w|$HashKey|$Value\n"; } } sub ReadValue { (my $Key ,my $SocketHndl) = @_; print "ReadValue($Key ,$SocketHndl) \n"; if ((!defined($SocketHndl)) || ($SocketHndl == 0)) { print "SOCKET H +ANDLE IS EMTPRT \n"; return undef; } if (!DoesExists($Key ,$SocketHndl)) { print "CAN NOT FIND THE REC \n +"; return undef; } $SocketHndl->send("r|$Key\n"); my $data=<$SocketHndl>; chomp($data); return $data; } sub DoesExists { (my $Key, my $SocketHndl) = @_; print "DoesExists($Key ,$SocketHndl) \n"; my $data; if ((defined($SocketHndl)) && ($SocketHndl != 0)) { $SocketHndl->send("e|$Key\n"); $data=<$SocketHndl>; chomp($data); } return $data; } #start the IPC server #----------------------------- MAIN ---------------------------- my $IsPortBusy = 0; my $socket; do { $IsPortBusy = 0; $ListenPort++; $socket = new IO::Socket::INET( LocalHost => '', LocalPort => $ListenPort, Proto => 'tcp', Listen => $ListenPort, Blocking => 0, Reuse => 1) or $IsPortBusy = 1; } while ($IsPortBusy); $socket->close(); undef($socket); my $ServerListenPid = fork(); if (!$ServerListenPid) { $IsParent = 0; StartServer($ListenPort); } sleep 1; # Track spawned child processes. # This is a hash, keyed by the PID. # We'll use this later to mark them as finished. my %kids; for my $child_id (1..3) { my $pid = fork(); # PARENT: track kid if ($pid) { $kids{$pid} = 1; } # CHILD: dispatch to child-routine below. # Explicitly exit, in case the child code neglects. else { dispatch_child( $$ ); exit(0); } } print "Main code now waiting for all children.\n"; # Wait for all children to finish. # The signal handler, reap_kids(), catches finished children. # Just continue to sleep if there are pending processes. while( scalar(keys %kids) > 0 ) { sleep 1; } # That's all the main code does. print "All done with main code.\n"; exit(0); # --- # Suborutines # --- # Child reaper. # This will be called when the kernel tells us a process has # finished running. It's possible more than 1 has done so. # We run this in a loop to reap all children. sub reap_kids { local $!; # good practice. avoids changing errno. while (1) { my $kid = waitpid( -1, POSIX->WNOHANG ); last unless ($kid > 0); # No more to reap. delete $kids{$kid}; # untrack kid. } } # Child dispatch code. # Here is where you write what your child does. # Ideally it should exit, but we enforce this above anyway. sub dispatch_child { my ($id) = @_; # passed from caller. print "Hello from child number $id\n"; # Sleep for a random number of seconds. # Between 5 and 10. my $seconds = 5 + int(rand(6)); sleep $seconds; print "Goodbye from child number $id\n"; # Be nice and explicitly exit: exit(0); }

Now what is happening is I am getting something like below. I am not sure now how to stop this. One all 3 kids are done I don't want them to execute again. Any suggestions on this too?

Server started listen on port 5001
Hello from child number 1814
Hello from child number 1815
Main code now waiting for all children.
Hello from child number 1816
Goodbye from child number 1814
Goodbye from child number 1816
Goodbye from child number 1815
All done with main code.
$:~/Temp$ Parent is dead exiting...
Hello from child number 2133
Hello from child number 2134
Main code now waiting for all children.
Hello from child number 2135
Goodbye from child number 2134
Goodbye from child number 2133
Goodbye from child number 2135
All done with main code.

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Re^3: How to make parent wait for all the child processes.
by Apero (Scribe) on Nov 25, 2015 at 13:23 UTC

    Your StartServer() subroutine suffers from the same problem your original code did in that it never exits when it finishes in your child process. This means you get a second process that continues executing after you invoke that routine.

    The parent process runs the for loop with my code from above, waits for the 3 children it starts to finish, and stops. However, you still have the child you fork()-ed before you called that StartServer() routine. The child just executes code from that point, including the later forks that you seem to only want in your parent.

    I suspect you want the child codepath in your modified code above mine to call exit() after its work is done. This is why the example I gave you does this inside the conditional testing the PID (and actually calls it from the child processing routine, so the main-level code is really just a backup in case someone mistakenly calls return() from it.)

    You might also consider putting your main code above your subroutines. It's a bit hard to read when your code looks like this ...

    ... since one has to read the entire program to figure out if there's more code or just more subroutines. It would be better in my short example to put thing3() above all the subroutines.

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