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execute a string

by Anonymous Monk
on Apr 20, 2016 at 09:27 UTC ( [id://1160974]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks, does someone knows a easy way to execute (calculate a simple equation) given in a string? This string is taken from a input file. E.g.:
my $x=0; $toCalc="($x+1)*2+1"; $x=calc($toCalc); sub calc {????? return ? }
Many Thanks !

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: execute a string
by Eily (Monsignor) on Apr 20, 2016 at 09:32 UTC

    That's what eval does. Be careful with it though, as it can execute any code, so you should be cautious with user input ;-)

    Nb: try print $toCalc,, you'll notice that $x as already been replaced by its value. Maybe that's not what you wanted to do. Use simple quotes instead of double ones in your don't want $x to be interpolated

Re: execute a string
by choroba (Cardinal) on Apr 20, 2016 at 11:28 UTC
    If you want to implement a calculator, write a parser for the expressions. Marpa::R2 contains a simple calculator as an example, I modified it to handle variables, too, see Marpa Enhanced Calculator at GitHub.

    ($q=q:Sq=~/;[c](.)(.)/;chr(-||-|5+lengthSq)`"S|oS2"`map{chr |+ord }map{substrSq`S_+|`|}3E|-|`7**2-3:)=~y+S|`+$1,++print+eval$q,q,a,
Re: execute a string
by beech (Parson) on May 04, 2016 at 07:39 UTC
    Since Reaped: Re: execute a string was reaped here is what it said, see Part of my continuing quest to write ever smaller parsers.

    And the code , in the form of a shell session , showing that it works

    It needs Minimum version of perl : v5.13.2

    That website says the code was forked 3 times but I can't work out how to see those forks

    This is how you would turn that while loop into sub calc

    You might further modify it to run on more perl versions, remove defined-or operator(//) and non-destructive substitution (r flag in s///r)

      Thanks for posting my code. I was moving to a new state and my computers were all packed up and not accessible and I was going crazy with PWS (perl withdrawal symptoms) (I even started writing perl code in a notebook) until I remembered someone on Freenode #perl had talked about All I had was a small (six inch) tablet that didn't have perl but did have a browser, and now I could write and run perl again :)

      I never did figure out how to copy/paste whole programs to PerlMonks. I guess I started a firestorm.

      Here's one of the forks done specifically to see if I could expand the technique to producing a parse tree and running it for a small language that had recursive calls with formal parameters. It is self contained and runs multiple test cases in the DATA section.

      #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; # perl'ified version of +t_parser use warnings; # slight mod from our (@v, %mem, $running); # external values stack our $ws = qr/(?:#.*|\s+)*+/; # white space sub reduce { push @v, bless [ splice @v, -pop() || @v ], shift } our ($allnouns, %nouns) = # config section ( qr/ \d+(?{'number'}) | print\b | for\b | while\b | - | \( | ([a-zA-Z]\w*) $ws(?:=(?{'store'}) | \((?{'call'}) | (?=as\b|with\b)(?{'as'}) | (?{'fetch'})) /x, 'number' => sub { push @v, bless [ pop ], 'NUM' }, 'print' => sub { push @v, bless [], 'PRINT'; getlist() }, 'fetch' => sub { push @v, bless [ pop ], 'FETCH' }, 'store' => sub { push @v, pop; expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}/); reduce STORE => 2 }, 'call' => sub { push @v, pop, bless [ ], 'ARGS'; /\G$ws \)/gcx or (getlist(), /\G$ws \)/gcx || err('no )')); reduce CALL => 2 }, 'as' => sub { my $name = pop; push @v, bless [ ], 'PARAMS'; if( /\G with\b/gcx ) { push @{ $v[-1] }, $1 while /\G$ws([a-zA-Z]\w*\b(?<!\bas))/gcx +} /\G$ws as\b/gcx or err('no as'); expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}|while\b|and\b|or\b/); reduce LAMBDA => 2; $mem{$name} = $v[-1] }, '-' => sub { expr( qr/\*{2}/ ); reduce NEG => 1 }, '(' => sub { expr(); /\G$ws \)/gcx or err("no )") }, 'while' => sub { expr(); /\G$ws do\b/gcx or err('no do'); expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}|while\b|and\b|or\b/); reduce NWHILE => 2 +}, 'for' => sub { /\G$ws([A-Za-z]\w*)/gcx ? push @v, $1 : err('no varia +ble'); /\G$ws from\b/gcx or err('no from'); expr(); /\G$ws to\b/gcx or err('no to'); expr(); /\G$ws do\b/gcx or err('no do'); expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}|while\b|and\b|or\b/); reduce FOR => 4 }, ); our ($allverbs, %verbs) = ( qr/[-;?>+\/]|\*{1,2}|while\b|and\b|or\b/, ';' => sub { /\G$ws(?= ; | \) | \z )/gcx or do { expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}|while\b|and\b|or\b/); $v[-2]->add or reduce STMT => 2 } }, 'while' => sub { expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}|and\b|or\b|(while\b)/); reduce WHILE => 2 }, 'or' => sub { expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}|and\b/); reduce OR => 2 }, 'and' => sub { expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}/); reduce AND => 2 }, '?' => sub { expr(); /\G$ws :/gcx or err("no :"); expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}/); reduce COND => 3 }, '>' => sub { expr( qr/\+|-|\*{1,2}|\/|(>)/ ); reduce GT => 2 }, '+' => sub { expr( qr/\*{1,2}|\// ); reduce ADD => 2 }, '-' => sub { expr( qr/\*{1,2}|\// ); reduce SUB => 2 }, '*' => sub { expr( qr/\*{2}/ ); reduce MUL => 2 }, '/' => sub { expr( qr/\*{2}/ ); reduce DIV => 2 }, '**' => sub { expr( qr/\*{2}/ ); reduce POW => 2 }, ); sub expr # takes regex of verbs that will shift { (my $shifters, $^R) = pop // $allverbs; /\G$ws/gcx && /\G($allnouns)/gcx ? ($nouns{$@ = $^R // $1} // err("no code for noun '$@' "))->($+) : err('bad noun'); $2 ? err('nonassoc violation') : ($verbs{$1} // err("no code for verb '$1' "))->() while /\G$ws/gcx, /\G($shifters)/gcx; } sub getlist { do { expr(qr/[-?>+\/]|\*{1,2}/); push @{ $v[-2] }, pop @ +v } while /\G$ws ,/gcx } for ( grep /\S/, split /^__END__\n/m, join '', <DATA> ) { eval { $running = @v = %mem = (); expr(); pos() == length() or err("incomplete parse"); print "\n", s/\s*\z/\n/r; #show( $v[-1], 0 ); $running++; print "= ", $v[-1]->v, "\n"; 1 } or err($@); } sub show { my ($t, $i) = @_; print ' ' x $i, ref $t || $t, "\n"; show( $_, $i + 1 ) for ref $t ? @$t : () } sub err { exit print "\n**ERROR** ", $running ? "@_" : s/\G/ <** @_ **> /r, "\n" } sub UNIVERSAL::add { 0 } sub STMT::add { push @{$_[0]}, pop @v } sub ADD::v { $_[0][0]->v + $_[0][1]->v } # interpreter section sub SUB::v { $_[0][0]->v - $_[0][1]->v } sub MUL::v { $_[0][0]->v * $_[0][1]->v } sub DIV::v { $_[0][0]->v / $_[0][1]->v } sub POW::v { $_[0][0]->v ** $_[0][1]->v } sub AND::v { $_[0][0]->v and $_[0][1]->v } sub OR::v { $_[0][0]->v or $_[0][1]->v } sub NUM::v { $_[0][0] } sub NEG::v { -$_[0][0]->v } sub GT::v { $_[0][0]->v > $_[0][1]->v or 0 } sub COND::v { $_[0][0]->v ? $_[0][1]->v : $_[0][2]->v } sub FETCH::v { $mem{$_[0][0]} // err(" variable $_[0][0] never set") } sub STORE::v { $mem{$_[0][0]} = $_[0][1]->v } sub PRINT::v { my $t = 0; print "> @{[ map $t = $_->v, @{ $_[0] } ]}\n +"; $t } sub WHILE::v { $_[0][0]->v while $_[0][1]->v; 0 } sub NWHILE::v { $_[0][1]->v while $_[0][0]->v; 0 } sub STMT::v { my $t = 0; $t = $_->v for @{ $_[0] }; $t} sub FOR::v { my ($t, $s, $e, $n) = (0, $_[0][1]->v, $_[0][2]->v, $_[0] +[0]); local $mem{$n};for my $i ($s..$e){$mem{$n} = $i; $t = $_[0][3]->v} $ +t } sub CALL::v { ref $mem{$_[0][0]} or err("$_[0][0] not a function"); $mem{$_[0][0]}->call( map $_->v, @{ $_[0][1] } ) } sub LAMBDA::call { my @params = @{ $_[0][0] }; @params and local @mem{@params} = @_[1..$#_]; $_[0][1]->v } sub LAMBDA::v { 0 } __DATA__ # classic factorial fact with n as n > 1 ? fact(n - 1) * n : 1; for n from 0 to 10 do print n, fact(n); 0; __END__ # towers tower(3, 1, 2, 3); tower with n from to spare as ( n > 0 and ( tower( n - 1, from, spare, to ); print n, from, to; tower( n - 1, spare, to, from ); ) ) __END__

      Hopefully this pasted code will quiet the firestorm.

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