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Re: Replacing a block of text inside two keys with another block of text

by huck (Prior)
on Apr 24, 2017 at 22:51 UTC ( [id://1188809]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Replacing a block of text inside two keys with another block of text

When you run $dataToReplace =~ s/\#.*//; you are changing the $dataToReplace so that it no longer matches what is in $fileContent so nothing matches in the replace.

use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my $replacementData=<<'REPDATA' "new/path/desired/data" "new/path/desired/data" "new/path/desired/data" REPDATA ; populateHash(); sub populateHash{ my $fileContent; if (0){ my $inputFile = 'input.txt'; $fileContent = do { open(my $fileHandle, $inputFile ) or die "Could not open file +'$inputFile ' $!"; local $/; <$fileHandle>; }; } else { $fileContent = do { local $/;<DATA>;};} my $hashData = truncateText($fileContent, "key1 => {", "key2 =>"); print 'hashdata:'.$hashData."\n\n"; # notice change to first END_SEARCHPATHS to match your sample data my $dataToReplace = truncateText($hashData, "END_SEARCHPATHS", "EN +D_SEARCH_PATHS"); print 'torep1:'.$dataToReplace."\n\n"; #Removes Comments works best if called multiple times # $dataToReplace =~ s/\#.*//smg; # $dataToReplace =~ s/\#.*//; # $dataToReplace =~ s/\#.*//; # $dataToReplace =~ s/\#.*//; #print 'torep:2'.$dataToReplace."\n"; #replacementData was gathered in another function and stored i +n a global variable # notice addition of \n to replacement to put first on its own line $fileContent =~ s/\Q$dataToReplace\E/\n$replacementData/; print 'Res:'.$fileContent."\n"; # print Dumper($fileContent); } sub truncateText{ #Truncates text by removing everything before and and after the pa +ssed in variables my($text, $beginString, $endString) = @_; my $truncatedText; if($text =~ /\Q$beginString\E(.*?)\Q$endString\E/s){ $truncatedText = $1; #print $truncatedText; } return $truncatedText; } __DATA__ key1 => { #some data i don't need #more data i don't need <<'END_SEARCHPATHS', #block of data I want to replace "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" END_SEARCH_PATHS } key2 => { <<'END_SEARCHPATHS', #another block of data to replace "another/path/to/some/file" "another/path/to/some/file" "another/path/to/some/file" "another/path/to/some/file" END_SEARCH_PATHS }
hashdata: #some data i don't need #more data i don't need <<'END_SEARCHPATHS', #block of data I want to replace "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" END_SEARCH_PATHS } torep1:', #block of data I want to replace "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" "some/path/to/some/file" Res:key1 => { #some data i don't need #more data i don't need <<'END_SEARCHPATHS "new/path/desired/data" "new/path/desired/data" "new/path/desired/data" END_SEARCH_PATHS } key2 => { <<'END_SEARCHPATHS', #another block of data to replace "another/path/to/some/file" "another/path/to/some/file" "another/path/to/some/file" "another/path/to/some/file" END_SEARCH_PATHS }

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