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Re: worker threads - one does all the work

by talexb (Chancellor)
on Jun 09, 2017 at 15:07 UTC ( [id://1192430]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to worker threads - one does all the work

This is a really interesting post, and reminds me of doing assembler programming using Interrupt Service Routines in the 70's and 80's. To handle the highest possible rate of interrupts, the ISR code needed to be as brief as possible -- it would wake up, grab the data that's just arrived, and stuff it into a circular buffer, for example. The data might be a single character, several characters, or even an entire message.

Somewhere else, an idle loop would be watching the same circular buffer for activity, and as soon as something arrived, it would deal with it at normal priority.

These two activities live in different worlds -- one doing as little as possible, as quickly as possible, and the other doing the needful, as data arrived. Ideally, this would avoid the situation where interrupts happen faster than they could be processed, resulting in dropped events, and therefore lost data.

Applying this to your situation, I might have the parent handle the clunkier processing, and have the child handle the SNMP traps .. but if there are plenty of solutions already in CPAN, that would probably be a better way forward. Thanks again for the intriguing post.

Alex / talexb / Toronto

Thanks PJ. We owe you so much. Groklaw -- RIP -- 2003 to 2013.

  • Comment on Re: worker threads - one does all the work

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Re^2: worker threads - one does all the work
by marioroy (Prior) on Jun 10, 2017 at 07:39 UTC

    Hi talexb,

    Regarding the MCE module, the main process enters a loop to handle IPC events while running. The following is a MCE::Hobo and MCE::Shared demonstration, based on the MCE::Flow solution. Here, MCE::Shared spawns a background process to handle IPC events. This allows the main process to listen for traps.

    use strict; use warnings; # perl | wc -l use Time::HiRes qw( sleep time ); use Net::SNMPTrapd; use MCE::Hobo; use MCE::Shared; my $queue = MCE::Shared->queue( await => 1, fast => 1 ); my $start = 0; # construct two shared handles, prevents garbled output # consumers send output to the shared-manager process mce_open my $outfh, '>>', \*STDOUT; mce_open my $errfh, '>>', \*STDERR; MCE::Hobo->create(\&consumer) for 1 .. 30; listener(); MCE::Hobo->waitall(); printf {$errfh} "duration : %0.03f seconds\n", time - $start; exit(0); sub listener { my $snmptrapd = Net::SNMPTrapd->new( ReusePort => 1 ); my $count = 0; while ( 1 ) { my $trap = $snmptrapd->get_trap(); if ( !defined $trap ) { printf {$errfh} "$0: %s\n", Net::SNMPTrapd->error(); next; } elsif ( $trap == 0 ) { next; } $start = time() unless $start; # important, remove the file handle inside the object delete $trap->{_UDPSERVER_}; # enqueue the trap for a consumer to process $queue->enqueue($trap); # leave the loop after 10,000 traps last if ( ++$count >= 10000 ); # reset the counter to not overflow $count = 0 if ( $count > 2e9 ); } $queue->end(); printf {$errfh} "enqueue : %0.03f seconds\n", time - $start; printf {$errfh} "pending : %d\n", $queue->pending(); } sub consumer { while ( defined ( my $trap = $queue->dequeue() ) ) { $trap->process_trap(); printf {$outfh} "[$$] %s\t%i\t%i\t%s\n", $trap->remoteaddr, $trap->remoteport, $trap->version, $trap->community; sleep 0.004; } }

    For comparison, the following provides a threads and Thread::Queue demonstration. Fortunately, one may run MCE::Shared alongside threads to get shared-handles support. Please note that this demonstration requires freezing and thawing at the application level. Serialization is typically automatic for MCE and MCE::Shared solutions.

    use strict; use warnings; # perl | wc -l use threads; use Thread::Queue; use Time::HiRes qw( sleep time ); use Storable qw( freeze thaw ); use Net::SNMPTrapd; use MCE::Shared; my $queue = Thread::Queue->new(); my $max_consumers = 30; my $start = 0; mce_open my $outfh, '>>', \*STDOUT; mce_open my $errfh, '>>', \*STDERR; threads->create(\&consumer) for 1 .. $max_consumers; listener(); $_->join for threads->list(); printf {$errfh} "duration : %0.03f seconds\n", time - $start; exit(0); sub listener { my $snmptrapd = Net::SNMPTrapd->new( ReusePort => 1 ); my $count = 0; while ( 1 ) { my $trap = $snmptrapd->get_trap(); if ( !defined $trap ) { printf {$errfh} "$0: %s\n", Net::SNMPTrapd->error(); next; } elsif ( $trap == 0 ) { next; } $start = time() unless $start; # important, remove the file handle inside the object delete $trap->{_UDPSERVER_}; # enqueue the trap for a consumer to process $queue->enqueue( freeze($trap) ); # leave the loop after 10,000 traps last if ( ++$count >= 10000 ); # reset the counter to not overflow $count = 0 if ( $count > 2e9 ); } # $queue->end(); # newer Thread::Queue and MCE::Shared releases $queue->enqueue((undef) x $max_consumers); # older releases printf {$errfh} "enqueue : %0.03f seconds\n", time - $start; printf {$errfh} "pending : %d\n", $queue->pending(); } sub consumer { while ( defined ( my $item = $queue->dequeue() ) ) { my $trap = thaw($item); $trap->process_trap(); printf {$outfh} "[$$] %s\t%i\t%i\t%s\n", $trap->remoteaddr, $trap->remoteport, $trap->version, $trap->community; sleep 0.004; } }

    On my Linux box, the MCE::Hobo and MCE::Shared demonstration completes 10k traps in 2.2 seconds. The threads and Thread::Queue demonstration needs more time, unexpectingly and completes in 13.4 seconds. Notice the difference with the number of traps pending in the queue.

    # perl | wc -l enqueue : 1.982 seconds pending : 1085 duration : 2.229 seconds 10000 # perl | wc -l enqueue : 1.987 seconds pending : 8510 duration : 13.372 seconds 10000

    The following is the trap generator used to feed both demonstrations. To not impact the listener/consumer script, run this from another host.

    use strict; use warnings; use Net::SNMP; use MCE::Flow; use MCE::Queue; mce_flow { max_workers => 2 }, \&producer; exit(0); sub producer { my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => '', -version => 2, -community => 'public', -port => 162 ); if ( !defined $session ) { printf "Error: Starting SNMP session (v2c trap) - %s\n", $erro +r; return; } for my $i ( 1 .. 5000 ) { my $result = $session->snmpv2_trap( -varbindlist => [ '', 0x43, int( time() ), '', 0x06, '', '', 0x02, 1, '', 0x04, 'String', '', 0x06, '', '', 0x40, '10.10.10.'.((++$i % 1 +00) + 1), '', 0x41, 32323232, '', 0x42, 42424242, '', 0x43, int( time() ), '', 0x44, 'opaque data' ] ); } $session->close; }

    Regarding IPC fetch-requests, I've tried for MCE and MCE::Shared on Linux to reach closer to BSD levels. Threads is a mystery sometimes. I'm not sure why threads is running slow under Red Hat / CentOS 7.3 - Perl v5.16.3.

    # Linux: MCE::Hobo - MCE::Shared->queue, Perl v5.16.3 enqueue : 1.982 seconds pending : 1085 duration : 2.229 seconds 10000 # Linux: threads - Thread::Queue, Perl v5.16.3 enqueue : 1.987 seconds pending : 8510 duration : 13.372 seconds 10000 # Mac OS X: MCE::Hobo - MCE::Shared->queue, Perl v5.18.2 enqueue : 1.589 seconds pending : 191 duration : 1.632 seconds 10000 # Mac OS X: threads - Thread::Queue, Perl v5.18.2 enqueue : 1.620 seconds pending : 128 duration : 1.867 seconds 10000

    Regards, Mario

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