Most programmers use multiple computers (at home and work) and it is often difficult to share bookmarks. You can email links to the home and office, you can use a bookmark sharing website (often requiring you to either go to the site and add the bookmark or downloading a windows only program).

I like my solution better. If you have your own cgi running website you can set up an email account that you can send your links too. Then write a perl script similar to the one below that can be run by a cronjob to rip links out of the email and save them to a flat file or database for the your website to display. The advantage in this approach is that just about all browsers have a email link option that is convient and easy to use. Here is a simple perl script that writes the links too a file.

Other possible features that could be added:
1. Using LWP to grab the title of the page.
2. Categorizing the link. Maybe the link can go into a holding area to be categorized later or you can use the subject line of the email to specify the category.

#!/usr/bin/perl use Mail::POP3Client; use strict; use Misc; #Creating PopMail Object my $pop = new Mail::POP3Client( USER => "RESU", PASSWORD => "DROWSSAP", HOST => ""); my @linkList=slurp(""); for (my $i=1; $i <= $pop->Count(); $i++) # Loop through messages { my $body = $pop->Body($i); while ($body =~ s/(http:\/\/[^\s]*)//) { push @linkList, $1; print "$1\n"; } $pop->Delete($i); } $pop->Close(); dumpOut("", @linkList); exit 0; ########################### sub slurp { my $file =shift; my $save = $/; undef $/; open FIL, "$file"; my $input= <FIL>; close FIL; my @list = split /$save/, $input; $/ = $save; return @list; } sub dumpOut { my $file = shift; open FIL, "|uniq >$file"; while(my $content = shift) { print FIL $content, "\n"; } close FIL; }

I always wanted to be somebody... I guess I should have been more specific.