our %dbh; # by using a hash of connections, each database # can have its own current connection, which allows # for presistent connections and works fine with Apache::DBI # code similar to this has been running in production code # for the last two years with no ill side effects. # dbhandle that is sub dbhandle { my $self = shift; $self->error_to_log("db_access requested"); $self->error_to_log("Request for connect to: " . $self->conf___database . "Host Name: " . $self->conf___dbd_hostname ); if (defined $dbh{$self->conf___database()}) { $self->error_to_log("Used *cached* handle."); return ($dbh{$self->conf___database()}) } else { my $dsn = "dbi:" . $self->conf___dbd_driver . ":" . $self->conf___database . ";host=" . $self->conf___dbd_hostname . ";port=" . $self->conf___dbd_port; $dbh{$self->conf___database()} = DBI->connect("$dsn",$self->conf___dbd_user,$self->conf___dbd_password, { PrintError => 1, RaiseError => 1, } ) || die $DBI::errstr; # DBI->trace(2,"/tmp/dbitrace.log"); return($dbh{$self->conf___database()}) ; } } sub db_tables { my $self = shift; my @tables = $self->dbhandle->func( '_ListTables' ); return(@tables); } sub db_add_row_to_table { my ($self,$table,$args) = @_; my @place = (); my @field = (); my @value = (); foreach (keys %{$args}) { push @place, '?'; push @field, $_; push @value, $args->{$_}; } my $string = qq[ insert into $table ( ] . join(' ,', @field) . qq[ ) values ( ] . join(' ,', @place) . qq[ ) ]; my $id = $self->db_do($string , \@value ); return ($id); } sub db_do { my ($self,$string,$placeholders) = @_; my $id; $self->error_to_log("$string"); my $cursor = $self->dbhandle->prepare($string); $cursor->execute(@{ $placeholders }); if ($string =~ /^\s?insert/i) { $id = $self->dbhandle->{'mysql_insertid'}; # ($id) = $self->db_row("SELECT MAX(page_id) FROM page"); } return ( $id ); } sub db_disconnect { my $self = shift; my $change = 1; if ($self->dbhandle && $change == 1) { $self->dbhandle->disconnect(); # $self->error_to_log("Disconnected from: $db_to_disconnect"); } } sub db_list_of_databases_as_array { my $self = shift; my $drh = DBI->install_driver( $self->conf___dbd_driver() ); my @databases = $drh->func('', '3306', '_ListDBs'); return(@databases); } sub db_single_column_as_array { my ($self,$sql) = @_; my (@list); my $cursor=$self->dbhandle->prepare("$sql"); $cursor->execute; while ( my ($tmp) = $cursor->fetchrow ) { push @list,$tmp; } $cursor->finish; return(@list); } sub db_single_row_as_array { my ($self,$string,$placeholders) = @_; $self->error_to_log("STRING: $string"); my $cursor = $self->dbhandle->prepare("$string"); $cursor->execute(@{$placeholders}); my @result = $cursor->fetchrow; $cursor->finish; return(@result); } sub db_all_rows_as_arrayref { my ($self,$string) = @_; my $cursor = $self->dbhandle->prepare("$string"); $cursor->execute; my $results = $cursor->fetchall_arrayref; $cursor->finish; return($results); } sub db_one_row_as_hashref { my ($self,$string,$placeholders) = @_; my $cursor = $self->dbhandle->prepare($string); $cursor->execute(@{$placeholders}); my $result = $cursor->fetchrow_hashref; $cursor->finish; return ($result); }