I was watching the Empire Strikes Back this evening and I wanted to see if I could write a sub to translate a normal sentence into Yoda-speak (read: too much free time). So here it is. I am welcome to suggestions, improvments, or more pivot words.

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w use strict; my @sentences = ('I will teach you', 'The truth is out there', 'That is an Imperial shuttle', 'My husband is giant dork', #this is my wife's s +uggestion 'These fish are tasty' ); foreach (@sentences) { print yoda($_)."\n"; } sub yoda { my ($sentence) = @_; my @pivot_words = qw/is be will show do try are teach have/; # Find out if I have a pivot word and grab the one with the lowest + index my $pivot = (sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} grep {$_->[1] > 0} map { [" $_ ",index($sentence," $_ ")] } @pivot_word +s)[0]; #^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ # Change to fix the pr +oblem [zdog] # pointed out - THX [z +dog] # No pivot words return $sentence if (!$pivot); # Pivot the sentence $sentence = substr($sentence,$pivot->[1]+length($pivot->[0]),lengt +h($sentence)). " ". substr($sentence,0,$pivot->[1]). $pivot->[0]; # Clear leading spaces $sentence =~ s/^\s+//; # Sentence case $sentence = ucfirst(lc($sentence)); }

Update: Fixed to handle pivot words inside another word.

Update 2: Fixed the word boundry problem with a better solution. The new sub follows:

sub yoda { my ($sentence) = @_; my @pivot_words = qw/is be will show do try are teach have/; # Find out if I have a pivot word and grab the one with the lowest + index my $pivot = (sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1]} # sort the lowest index to the top grep {$_->[1] > 0} # filter out non-matches map{$sentence =~ /\b$_\b/ ? [$_,$+[0]] : [$_,0]} @pi +vot_words)[0]; # create an anon array in the format # ['pivot word',index_of_where_it_is] # # @+ stores the indexes of the successful matches and + does not # require the gyrations that [pos] does # No pivot words return $sentence if (!$pivot); # Pivot the sentence $sentence = substr($sentence,$pivot->[1]). " ". substr($sentence,0,$pivot->[1]); # Clear leading spaces $sentence =~ s/^\s+//; # Sentence case $sentence = ucfirst(lc($sentence)); }

Unix - where you can throw the manual on the keyboard and get a command